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10 Champions that Counter Veigar: Gain an Advantage in League of Legends

Who Counters Veigar

Want to counter Veigar? Champions with mobility and long-range abilities like Zed, Lux, and Xerath can give this tiny master of evil a hard time.

Who counters Veigar? That's the question on every League of Legends player's mind. Veigar may be a tiny yordle, but he packs a punch with his ultimate ability, Primordial Burst, that can take out even the tankiest of champions. But fear not, fellow summoners, for there are champions out there who can give Veigar a run for his money. Let's dive into the world of counterpicks and see who can put this little yordle in his place.

First up on our list is LeBlanc. This devious assassin can easily outmaneuver Veigar with her high mobility and tricky abilities. With her Distortion ability, she can teleport in and out of Veigar's range, making it difficult for him to land his abilities. Plus, her Mimic ultimate allows her to duplicate one of her spells, which can really throw Veigar off his game.

Next, we have Zed. This shadowy ninja can make quick work of Veigar with his burst damage and ultimate ability, Death Mark. With Death Mark, Zed can mark Veigar and then teleport back to his own shadow, dealing massive damage in the process. And if Veigar tries to stun him with Event Horizon, Zed can simply use his Living Shadow ability to dodge it.

Another champion who can give Veigar a hard time is Syndra. This mage has incredible range and can easily poke Veigar down from a distance. Her Scatter the Weak ability also allows her to stun multiple enemies at once, making it difficult for Veigar to get close to her. And if Veigar does manage to get close, Syndra can use her ultimate ability, Unleashed Power, to deal massive damage and potentially take him out.

But let's not forget about the tanky champions out there who can withstand Veigar's burst damage. One such champion is Galio. This gargoyle may not deal as much damage as the other champions on this list, but he can certainly take a beating. And with his ultimate ability, Hero's Entrance, he can jump into a team fight and knock up Veigar and his allies, making it difficult for them to escape.

Another tanky champion who can counter Veigar is Cho'Gath. This monstrous champion has a lot of sustain and can easily outlast Veigar in a prolonged fight. Plus, his Feast ability allows him to deal true damage and potentially one-shot Veigar if he gets too close. And if Veigar tries to stun Cho'Gath with Event Horizon, he can simply use his Rupture ability to knock him up and start dealing damage.

Now, you may be thinking, But what about AD carries? Can they counter Veigar? Well, the answer is yes and no. While most AD carries don't have the burst damage to take out Veigar quickly, they can still pose a threat with their range and sustained damage. Champions like Caitlyn and Jinx can poke Veigar down from a distance and potentially kite him around. However, if Veigar manages to get close, they'll likely be in trouble.

So, there you have it, folks. These are just a few of the champions who can counter Veigar in the mid lane. Of course, there are many more out there, so don't be afraid to experiment and find what works best for you. And remember, the key to countering Veigar is to stay mobile, avoid his stun, and burst him down before he can do the same to you. Good luck on the Rift!

The Evil Little Yordle


Veigar is a little yordle who is known for his enormous magical powers. He is a mage who excels in dealing massive amounts of damage, but he is also one of the squishiest champions in the game. Despite his incredible burst potential, Veigar is easily countered by certain champions. In this article, we will be discussing who counters Veigar and how they do it.

Let’s Get Serious


Annie, the Dark Child, is the first champion that comes to mind when it comes to countering Veigar. She is another mage that specializes in dealing high amounts of burst damage. The reason why Annie is such a good counter to Veigar is that she has a stun ability that she can use to interrupt Veigar’s ultimate ability, Primordial Burst. This ability deals massive damage to its target, but it has a long cast time that can be interrupted by crowd control effects like Annie’s stun.


Another champion that can counter Veigar is Fizz, the Tidal Trickster. Fizz is an assassin who excels at diving onto enemy champions and taking them down quickly. His playful/trickster ability allows him to dodge Veigar’s stun ability, Event Horizon. This means that Fizz can easily avoid being trapped by Veigar’s stun and can freely engage on him without fear of being locked down.

Let’s Get Funny


Now, let's get a bit more humorous. Teemo, the Swift Scout, is a champion that is often regarded as a troll pick. However, he is surprisingly effective against Veigar due to his Blinding Dart ability. Blinding Dart blinds the target, causing them to miss all of their auto-attacks. This means that Veigar will not be able to use his basic attacks to deal damage, which can greatly reduce his overall damage output.


Another champion that can counter Veigar in a humorous way is Garen, the Might of Demacia. Garen is a tanky bruiser who can take a lot of punishment and dish out a decent amount of damage. The reason why Garen is funny against Veigar is that he can simply run up to him and spin around with his Judgment ability, dealing massive damage and forcing Veigar to run away or risk being killed.

Let’s Get Creative


Zed, the Master of Shadows, is a champion that can counter Veigar in a creative way. Zed is an assassin who excels at bursting down enemy champions quickly. His ultimate ability, Death Mark, allows him to mark a target for death and deal massive damage to them after a short delay. The creative part comes in when you realize that Zed can use his Living Shadow ability to create a clone of himself. This clone can then be sent towards Veigar to force him to use his stun ability, Event Horizon. Once that ability is used, Zed can then use his ultimate on Veigar without fear of being stunned.


Kassadin, the Void Walker, is another champion that can counter Veigar in a creative way. Kassadin is a mage assassin who has the ability to riftwalk, which allows him to teleport short distances. Riftwalk has a short cooldown and can be used multiple times in quick succession. This means that Kassadin can easily dodge Veigar’s abilities by riftwalking out of harm’s way. Additionally, Kassadin’s Null Sphere ability can silence Veigar, preventing him from using his abilities for a short period of time.


In conclusion, there are many champions that can counter Veigar in different ways. Some champions, like Annie and Fizz, can counter Veigar with their abilities. Others, like Teemo and Garen, can counter Veigar in a more humorous way. And still, others, like Zed and Kassadin, can counter Veigar in a creative way. Ultimately, the key to countering Veigar is to be able to avoid his abilities while dealing damage to him. So, the next time you find yourself facing off against the evil little yordle, be sure to pick one of these champions and show him who's boss!

The Tiny Terrorizer Vs The Unimpressed Opponent

Veigar may be known as the tiny terrorizer, but his opponents aren't always impressed with his magical abilities. In fact, there are a handful of champions that give Veigar a run for his money and leave him questioning his own master of evil title. Whoever said size matters hasn't met these champions.

Veigar: The Master of Evil... Unless These Guys Show Up

Veigar's magical abilities are nothing to scoff at, but these champions laugh in the face of his ultimate. They don't even break a sweat when facing off against the tiny terrorizer. Veigar's mistake is thinking he can take on these opponents.

The Underdogs That Give Veigar a Run for His Money

When it comes to facing off against Veigar, these underdogs are the ones you want on your team. They may not have the same magical abilities as the tiny terrorizer, but they outplay him with their skills and strategy. Veigar's magic is no match for these champions' abilities to outsmart and outmaneuver him.

Small but Mighty: The Champions that Outplay Veigar

Veigar may be small, but these champions prove that size isn't everything. With their quick reflexes and powerful moves, they leave the tiny terrorizer in the dust. Veigar's worst nightmares are these natural counters.

Veigar Who? These Champions Don't Even Break a Sweat

For these champions, facing off against Veigar is just another day at the office. They don't even break a sweat when taking on the tiny terrorizer. Veigar's magic is no match for their unbeatable skills and confidence.

Overall, Veigar may be the master of evil, but he's no match for these champions. They laugh in the face of his ultimate and outplay him with their skills and strategy. The next time you're facing off against the tiny terrorizer, make sure you have one of these natural counters on your team.

Who Counters Veigar?

Once upon a time, in the magical world of League of Legends, there was a tiny, but powerful yordle mage named Veigar. He was feared by many for his ability to destroy his opponents with just a few spells. But little did they know, there were some champions who could easily counter him.

The Counters

Here are some of the champions who can give Veigar a hard time:

  1. Fizz - This slippery fish can easily dodge Veigar's abilities with his playful trickster and can burst him down with his own spells.
  2. Kassadin - With his Null Sphere ability, Kassadin can easily silence Veigar and prevent him from casting spells. Plus, he can close the gap with his Riftwalk and deal significant damage.
  3. Zed - This ninja can use his Living Shadow to dodge Veigar's spells and deal damage from afar with his Razor Shuriken. Plus, his Death Mark ultimate can burst Veigar down quickly.
  4. LeBlanc - This deceiver can easily juke Veigar's abilities with her Distortion and Ethereal Chains. Plus, she can deal significant damage with her Sigil of Malice and Mimic abilities.

My Point of View

As an experienced player, I have faced many Veigars in my time. And let me tell you, there's nothing more satisfying than countering him with one of these champions. Watching him struggle to land his spells while I dance around him is pure joy.

However, I must admit that playing against Veigar can be challenging, especially if he gets fed. But with the right strategy and a little bit of luck, anyone can take him down.

Table Information

Here's a table showing the strengths and weaknesses of each counter:

Champion Strengths Weaknesses
Fizz Dodges spells easily, can burst Veigar down Squishy and vulnerable to crowd control
Kassadin Can silence Veigar, deals significant damage Weak early game, vulnerable to ganks
Zed Can dodge spells, deals damage from afar, ultimate can burst Veigar down Squishy and vulnerable to crowd control
LeBlanc Can juke spells easily, deals significant damage Squishy and vulnerable to crowd control

In conclusion, while Veigar may seem unstoppable at first, there are some champions who can easily counter him. So, next time you see him in a match, don't be afraid to pick one of these counters and show him who's boss.

Who Counters Veigar? Nobody, He's Too Cute!

Hello there, fellow summoners! We've talked a lot about the best counters for some of the toughest champions in League of Legends, but today we'll be discussing a rather different topic. In this article, we'll be taking a closer look at Veigar, the tiny Master of Evil himself, and why nobody can really counter him. Yes, you read that right - nobody. But don't worry, we'll explain why in a humorous way that will hopefully put a smile on your face.

First off, let's talk a bit about Veigar himself. This yordle mage may be small, but he's got a big personality and even bigger ambitions. He's known for his ability to manipulate dark magic and bend reality to his will, and his ultimate goal is nothing less than world domination. But despite his villainous tendencies, it's hard not to love Veigar. Just look at that adorable little hat and those big, innocent eyes - who wouldn't want to give him a hug?

But enough about Veigar's cuteness. Let's get down to business: why can't anyone counter him? There are a few reasons for this, starting with his passive ability, Phenomenal Evil Power. This gives Veigar a permanent increase in ability power every time he kills an enemy unit with one of his spells, making him stronger and stronger as the game goes on. And since he's a mage, he can deal massive damage from a safe distance, making it difficult for opponents to get close enough to take him out.

Another reason why Veigar is so hard to counter is his Event Horizon ability. This spell creates a cage of dark energy that stuns any enemies who try to cross it, making it a powerful tool for zoning and controlling the battlefield. And even if you manage to avoid getting stunned, Veigar's Baleful Strike and Dark Matter spells can still deal massive damage to you.

So, what can you do to counter Veigar? Honestly, not much. You can try to rush him early in the game and deny him farm so he can't stack up his passive ability, but this is easier said than done. Veigar is a master of farming under his turret and playing defensively until he hits his power spikes. And even if you do manage to shut him down early, he can always come back later in the game once he's farmed enough to become a late-game monster.

But fear not, fellow summoners. Just because nobody can truly counter Veigar doesn't mean he's unbeatable. There are a few things you can do to mitigate the damage he can deal and increase your chances of winning against him.

Firstly, you can try to build some magic resistance. Veigar deals mostly magic damage, so building items like Abyssal Mask or Banshee's Veil can help reduce the amount of damage he can deal to you. Secondly, you can try to coordinate with your team to focus him down in team fights. Veigar may be strong, but he's still a squishy mage, and if you can catch him out of position or stun him before he can use his spells, you can take him down quickly.

And finally, you can try to outsmart him. Veigar players often have predictable patterns and tend to rely on their abilities in a certain order. If you can anticipate when he's going to use his Event Horizon or his ultimate, you can dodge or block them and turn the tables on him. This takes practice and awareness, but it can be a satisfying way to defeat a Veigar player who thinks they're unbeatable.

So, in conclusion, nobody can truly counter Veigar. He's too cute, too powerful, and too skilled to be taken down easily. But don't let that discourage you - with some smart strategy, a bit of luck, and a healthy dose of humor, you can still beat him and come out on top. And who knows? Maybe you'll even earn his respect and admiration in the process.

Thanks for reading, summoners! We hope you enjoyed this lighthearted look at Veigar and why he's so hard to counter. If you have any other tips or tricks for dealing with this tiny terror, feel free to share them in the comments below. And as always, stay awesome!

Who Counters Veigar?

People Also Ask:

1. How do I counter Veigar in lane?

If you're facing Veigar in lane, you can try playing a champion with high mobility to dodge his abilities. Champions like Yasuo, Zed, or LeBlanc can make life difficult for Veigar.

2. Who is the best mid laner to counter Veigar?

If you want to shut down Veigar as a mid laner, consider playing champions like Kassadin, Fizz, or Diana. These champions have abilities that can negate Veigar's burst damage and outmaneuver him in fights.

3. How do I avoid getting one-shot by Veigar?

To avoid getting one-shot by Veigar, you should build items that increase your magic resist. Banshee's Veil and Abyssal Mask are great choices to reduce his damage output. You can also invest in items that give you more health, such as Rod of Ages or Rylai's Crystal Scepter.

4. Can I beat Veigar in late game?

In the late game, Veigar's damage output can be quite scary. However, if you have a champion that can match his scaling, you can still win the game. Champions like Vladimir, Cassiopeia, or Azir can deal consistent damage to Veigar and outlast him in team fights.


Veigar may be a powerful burst mage, but there are ways to counter him in lane and beyond. By playing champions with high mobility, building magic resist, and matching his scaling with other scaling champions, you can take down the tiny master of evil and emerge victorious. Just remember to watch out for his Event Horizon stun and stay out of range of his Primordial Burst ultimate!