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Top 5 Champions Who Counter Heim in League of Legends

Who Counters Heim

Heim is a powerful champion in League of Legends, but he can be countered by champions like Garen, Darius, and Renekton who can match his strength.

Who counters Heim? That's the question on everyone's mind when it comes to facing off against the formidable champion in League of Legends. With his immense healing capabilities and crowd control abilities, taking down Heim can seem like an impossible task. But fear not, fellow gamers, for there are champions out there who can give Heim a run for his money. Let's take a closer look at some of these counterpicks and see how they stack up against the inventor himself.

First up on our list is the electrifying champion known as Kennen. With his lightning-fast movements and stun abilities, Kennen can easily dodge Heim's turrets and take him down with a flurry of attacks. Plus, his ultimate ability can stun multiple enemies at once, making him a valuable asset in team fights.

Next, we have the sneaky assassin Evelynn. With her ability to go invisible and sneak up on enemies, Evelynn can catch Heim off guard and deal massive damage before he even knows what hit him. Plus, her charm ability can distract Heim's turrets, giving her the opportunity to strike without fear of retaliation.

For those looking for a tanky option, look no further than Galio. With his massive size and powerful magic abilities, Galio can absorb Heim's attacks and still come out on top. His ultimate ability can also taunt multiple enemies, making him a valuable asset in team fights.

But perhaps the most unexpected counter to Heim is the yordle sorceress Lulu. With her ability to polymorph enemies into harmless creatures and shield allies from damage, Lulu can easily shut down Heim's turrets and protect her team from harm. Plus, her ultimate ability can turn an ally into a giant, making them nearly invincible for a short time.

Of course, these are just a few of the many champions who can counter Heim in League of Legends. It's important to remember that every champion has their strengths and weaknesses, and it's up to the player to find the right counterpick for their playstyle. So next time you're facing off against Heim, don't despair – there's always a way to come out on top.

But let's be real here – taking down Heim isn't just about finding the right champion. It's also about strategy and timing. Heim is a master of setting up traps and controlling the battlefield, so it's important to be patient and wait for the right opportunity to strike. Don't rush in blindly – instead, wait for Heim to make a mistake or overextend, and then pounce on him with everything you've got.

Another key to taking down Heim is to focus on his turrets. These little machines may not seem like much, but they can quickly whittle down your health if you're not careful. Try to take them out as quickly as possible, either with long-range attacks or by getting up close and personal. Once the turrets are down, Heim becomes much easier to deal with.

And let's not forget about items. There are plenty of items in League of Legends that can help you counter Heim's abilities. For example, the Banshee's Veil can block one of Heim's spells, while the Quicksilver Sash can remove any crowd control effects he puts on you. Don't be afraid to experiment with different items and see what works best for your playstyle.

Finally, it's important to stay calm and focused when facing off against Heim. He may seem unbeatable at first, but with the right strategy and mindset, victory is within reach. So take a deep breath, choose your champion, and get ready to take down the inventor once and for all!

The Dreaded Heimerdinger

Heimerdinger is a champion in League of Legends that has always been known for his turrets, but since the preseason changes, he has become one of the most powerful champions in the game. His turrets now have the ability to fire lasers at enemies from a distance and can even be upgraded to do even more damage. As a result, many players have been struggling to find a way to counter him. In this article, we will take a humorous look at some of the champions that can take down the infamous Heimerdinger.

Jax: The Grandmaster of Counter-Strike

Jax is known for being able to counter many champions, and Heimerdinger is no exception. Jax's Counter-Strike ability allows him to dodge all basic attacks for a short period of time, which means he can easily destroy Heimerdinger's turrets without taking any damage. Moreover, Jax's Leap Strike ability makes it easy for him to close the gap between him and Heimerdinger, and then stun him with his Empower ability. Once Heimerdinger is stunned, Jax can easily take him out.

Zed: The Master of Shadows

Zed is another champion that is great at countering Heimerdinger. Zed's Living Shadow ability allows him to create a shadow of himself that can be used to dodge Heimerdinger's turrets and abilities. This ability also allows Zed to get close to Heimerdinger without being detected. Once he's close enough, Zed can use his ultimate ability, Death Mark, to deal massive damage to Heimerdinger and potentially take him out in one hit.

Katarina: The Sinister Blade

Katarina is a high-damage assassin that can easily take down Heimerdinger. Her Shunpo ability allows her to teleport to any enemy champion or minion, which means she can quickly get close to Heimerdinger without being detected by his turrets. Katarina's ultimate ability, Death Lotus, also deals massive damage to all nearby enemies, which means she can take out Heimerdinger and his turrets in one fell swoop.

Fizz: The Tidal Trickster

Fizz is a champion that can easily dodge Heimerdinger's abilities and turrets. His Playful/Trickster ability makes him untargetable for a short period of time, which means he can avoid Heimerdinger's turrets and abilities. Fizz's ultimate ability, Chum the Waters, also deals massive damage to Heimerdinger and slows him down, making it easy for Fizz to finish him off.

Ekko: The Boy Who Shattered Time

Ekko is another champion that can easily dodge Heimerdinger's abilities and turrets. His Chronobreak ability allows him to travel back in time and heal himself, which means he can survive Heimerdinger's attacks. Ekko's ultimate ability, Chrono Shift, also allows him to come back to life after dying, which means he can continue to fight even if Heimerdinger takes him out.

Nasus: The Curator of the Sands

Nasus is a champion that can easily counter Heimerdinger's turrets. His Siphoning Strike ability allows him to deal massive damage to enemy units, which means he can quickly destroy Heimerdinger's turrets. Nasus's Wither ability also slows down enemy champions, which means he can easily catch up to Heimerdinger and take him out.

Veigar: The Tiny Master of Evil

Veigar is a champion that can easily counter Heimerdinger's turrets. His Baleful Strike ability allows him to gain ability power every time he kills an enemy unit, which means he can quickly increase his damage output and take down Heimerdinger's turrets. Veigar's ultimate ability, Primordial Burst, also deals massive damage to enemy champions based on their ability power, which means he can take out Heimerdinger in one hit if he has enough ability power.

Teemo: The Swift Scout

Teemo is a champion that can easily counter Heimerdinger's turrets. His Noxious Trap ability allows him to place traps that deal damage over time to enemy champions, which means he can quickly destroy Heimerdinger's turrets. Teemo's Blinding Dart ability also blinds enemy champions, which means Heimerdinger's turrets won't be able to hit him. Additionally, Teemo's Move Quick ability makes it easy for him to dodge Heimerdinger's abilities and turrets.


Heimerdinger may be a powerful champion, but he is not invincible. There are many champions that can easily counter him and take him out. Jax, Zed, Katarina, Fizz, Ekko, Nasus, Veigar, and Teemo are just a few examples. So the next time you face Heimerdinger, don't panic. Just pick one of these champions, and you'll be sure to come out on top!

Who Counters Heim?

Oh, Heim. That tiny inventor with a big brain and even bigger turrets. He may seem invincible, but fear not, my fellow Summoners, for there are champions out there who can take him down with ease. Let's take a look at some of the best counters to Heim:

The Elusive Evelynn: Sneaking Past Those Turrets for a Surprise Attack

Heim's turrets can be a real pain, but not if you're Evelynn. With her passive ability, she can sneak past those pesky machines undetected, giving her the element of surprise. And once she's behind Heim, it's game over. A few quick hits from her Ravage ability, and he'll be down for the count.

Yasuo, the Wind Wall Wizard: Blocking All Those Hextech Rockets

Heim loves his rockets, but Yasuo doesn't love them back. With his Wind Wall ability, he can block any projectile thrown his way, including Heim's rockets. And once he's up close and personal, he can slice through Heim's turrets like they're made of butter.

Veigar's Dark Matter: Crushing Heim and His Turrets Underfoot

When it comes to taking down Heim, Veigar is the master of destruction. His Dark Matter ability can obliterate Heim and his turrets in one fell swoop. And with his Event Horizon ability, he can trap Heim in a cage, making him an easy target.

Katarina's Cat-Like Reflexes: Dancing Around Hextech Ultimates

Heim's ultimate ability, Hextech Rocket Swarm, can be deadly, but not for Katarina. With her quick reflexes and shunpo ability, she can dance around those rockets like a cat playing with a ball of yarn. And once she's in close range, Heim won't know what hit him.

Nasus' Siphoning Strike: One-Hit KO-ing Those Little Machines

Heim's turrets may be tough, but they're no match for Nasus. With his Siphoning Strike ability, he can one-hit KO those little machines, making short work of Heim's defenses. And once he's up close and personal, he can use his Wither ability to slow Heim down, making him an easy target.

LeBlanc's Deceptive Charm: Tricking Turrets into Shooting Their Own Creator

Heim's turrets may be loyal to their creator, but that doesn't mean they're immune to LeBlanc's charms. With her Deceive ability, she can trick those turrets into shooting their own creator, giving her the upper hand. And once Heim is vulnerable, she can finish him off with a few quick hits from her Sigil of Malice ability.

Fizz's Playful Trickster: Hopping Over Turrets with Bounding Strike

Heim may have turrets, but Fizz has hops. With his playful trickster ability, he can hop over those turrets like they're not even there, making it easy to get up close and personal with Heim. And once he's in range, he can use his Bounding Strike ability to deal some serious damage.

Orianna's Command: Shockwaving Heim Straight into Defeat

When it comes to taking down Heim, Orianna is all about control. With her Command: Shockwave ability, she can send Heim flying, leaving him vulnerable to attack. And once he's down, she can use her Dissonance ability to take out his turrets with ease.

Zed's Shadow Step: Dodging Turret Fire and Taking the Killshot

Heim's turrets may be tough, but they're no match for Zed's shadow step ability. With his Living Shadow ability, he can dodge turret fire and get up close and personal with Heim. And once he's in range, he can use his Death Mark ability to deal some serious damage.

Jax's Empowered Leap Strike: Smashing through Hextech Machines like a Hot Knife through Butter

Heim's turrets may be tough, but Jax is tougher. With his Empowered Leap Strike ability, he can smash through those hextech machines like a hot knife through butter, making short work of Heim's defenses. And once he's up close and personal, he can finish Heim off with a few quick hits from his Grandmaster's Might ability.

So there you have it, folks. A list of champions who can take down Heim with ease. No need to fear the inventor and his turrets anymore. Just pick one of these champs and watch Heim crumble.

Who Counters Heim? A Humorous Tale

The Hunt for a Counter

Once upon a time in the land of League of Legends, there was a player named Bob. Bob loved playing Heimerdinger, the master of turrets, and he was pretty darn good at it too. However, in one game, he came up against a team that had a secret weapon - they had a player who could counter Heim!Bob panicked. He had never faced a counter before and didn't know what to do. He scoured the internet for hours, asking his friends and fellow players for advice, but no one could give him a clear answer.

The Search Continues

Bob was determined to find out who counters Heim. He spent countless hours researching and testing out different champions until finally, he stumbled upon a champion who he thought could do the trick. And that champion was...Drumroll, please...


Yes, you read that right. Swain is the ultimate counter to Heim!

Why Swain?

Well, let me break it down for you:

  1. His Q ability: Swain's Q ability, Decrepify, roots Heim in place, making it impossible for him to run away from Swain's wrath.
  2. His W ability: Swain's W ability, Vision of Empire, reveals hidden units, including Heim's turrets. This means that Swain can easily target and destroy Heim's turrets without getting caught in their crossfire.
  3. His E ability: Swain's E ability, Nevermove, is another root ability that can keep Heim in place for even longer. It also deals a decent amount of damage.
  4. His ultimate: Swain's ultimate, Ravenous Flock, is an AoE ability that deals a ton of damage to all nearby enemies. This means that if Heim is foolish enough to group his turrets together, Swain can easily wipe them out with his ultimate.

The Aftermath

So, armed with this knowledge, Bob faced off against the team with their secret Swain counter. But to his surprise, the Swain was terrible! He missed most of his abilities and didn't know how to position himself properly. Bob ended up winning the game with ease.

And so, the moral of this tale is: don't be afraid of counters. Just because someone has a champion that is supposedly a counter to yours, doesn't mean they know how to use it properly. Keep calm, do your research, and you too can come out on top.

Keywords Meaning
Heim Short for Heimerdinger, a champion in League of Legends
Counter A champion that is strong against another champion
Swain A champion in League of Legends who is a supposed counter to Heim
Q, W, E, R Abbreviations for a champion's abilities in League of Legends
AoE Abbreviation for area of effect, meaning an ability that affects a large area

Who Counters Heim? Don't Ask Me!

Well, well, well, look who we have here. It seems like you've stumbled upon my humble abode here on the internet, where I talk about all things League of Legends. Today's topic is a doozy - Who Counters Heim? But before you start picking my brain, let me tell you this - I ain't got nothing for ya.

As much as I love helping out fellow summoners, this particular question has been the bane of my existence. You see, Heim is one of those champions that can be a real pain in the butt to deal with. His turrets are like little monsters that never sleep, and his grenades can make you feel like you're playing dodgeball in a minefield. So, naturally, people are always trying to find ways to counter him.

But here's the thing - there isn't a clear-cut answer. There is no one champion that can shut down Heim entirely. Sure, some champions may have an easier time dealing with him than others, but that doesn't mean they're the ultimate counter. Trust me, I've seen people try all sorts of crazy things to take down a Heim, and more often than not, it just ends in tears.

Now, I know what you're thinking - But wait, Mr. Blogger, surely there must be something we can do to counter Heim, right? And to that, I say this - Maybe.

It all depends on the situation. Are you playing top lane or mid lane? Are you playing as a tank or an assassin? Are you playing against a Heim that knows what he's doing or a Heim that just picked him up for the first time? These are all factors that can affect how you approach the situation.

For example, let's say you're playing as a tank in the top lane against a Heim. Your best bet would be to build some magic resist and try to outlast his turrets. In this scenario, champions like Maokai or Ornn would be a good pick because they have sustain and can take a lot of punishment.

On the other hand, if you're playing as an assassin in the mid lane, your best bet would be to try and take out Heim's turrets as quickly as possible and then go in for the kill. Champions like Zed or Talon would be a good pick here because they have high burst damage and can quickly get in and out of fights.

But again, these are just suggestions. There is no one-size-fits-all answer when it comes to countering Heim. You have to be able to adapt to the situation and come up with a strategy that works for you and your team.

Now, I know what you're thinking - Wow, Mr. Blogger, you really didn't give us any concrete answers here. And to that, I say this - You're damn right I didn't.

Look, I'm not trying to be difficult here. It's just that when it comes to League of Legends, there are so many variables at play that it's impossible to give a definitive answer. What works for one person may not work for another. That's just the nature of the game.

So, my advice to you is this - don't get too caught up in trying to find the perfect counter to Heim. Instead, focus on improving your own gameplay and learning how to deal with difficult situations. Trust me, it'll make you a better player in the long run.

And with that, I bid you adieu. Thanks for stopping by my little corner of the internet, and remember - if anyone asks you who counters Heim, just tell them I don't know, but I heard there's this really cool blog out there that might have some answers.

Who Counters Heim?

People Also Ask:

1. Who can beat Heim in a one-on-one fight?

Well, that would be his own mother. She raised him, so she knows all his weaknesses.

2. Is there any champion that can outsmart Heim?

Yes, there is one – Teemo. He is so small that Heim can't hit him, and he can easily put mushrooms on Heim's turrets to distract him.

3. Can any champion take down Heim's turrets quickly?

Yes, there are a few champions who can take down Heim's turrets quickly. These include Ziggs, Lux, and Vel'Koz. They can use their abilities to destroy the turrets from a safe distance.

4. How do I play against a Heim as an ADC?

Playing against Heim as an ADC can be tough, but not impossible. Try to stay behind your minions to avoid getting hit by Heim's abilities. Also, focus on taking down his turrets first, as they deal a lot of damage.

5. Is it possible to beat Heim without a jungler?

Yes, it is possible to beat Heim without a jungler. You can try to bait out his abilities and then engage when they are on cooldown. Also, if you can destroy his turrets, he will lose a lot of his power.