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Unveiling the Best Counter Picks Against Aphelios: Outplay Tips and Strategies

Who Counters Aphelios

Wondering who can counter Aphelios in League of Legends? Check out our guide for tips and strategies on how to take down this powerful marksman.

Are you tired of being dominated by Aphelios in every game? Do you feel like smashing your keyboard every time he litters the map with his turrets, shreds your health bar with his Chakrams, and blinds you with his Crescendum? Fear not, fellow League of Legends player! In this article, we will explore the champions who can counter Aphelios and put him back in his place. But beware, this won't be a walk in the park. Aphelios is a complex and versatile marksman, and countering him requires more than just picking a random champion and hoping for the best. So, grab some popcorn (or your favorite snack) and let's dive into the world of Aphelios counters!

Firstly, let's take a look at one of the most popular and effective counters to Aphelios: Caitlyn. This long-range sniper has the tools to poke Aphelios from afar, trap him with her Yordle Snap Traps, and burst him down with her Ace in the Hole ultimate. Her range advantage also makes it difficult for Aphelios to retaliate, especially if you position yourself wisely. However, be mindful of Aphelios' Calibrum and Severum weapons, which can threaten you even at long range. Additionally, Aphelios' Crescendum and Gravitum can slow you down and set up ganks from his allies. Therefore, make sure to keep your distance, ward your surroundings, and communicate effectively with your team.

If you're looking for a more aggressive and flashy option, consider playing Lucian. This dual-wielding gunslinger can match Aphelios' burst damage and mobility, while also having the flexibility to switch between ranged and melee attacks. His Lightslinger passive allows him to proc his passive twice with one auto-attack, which can catch Aphelios off-guard and force him to retreat. Lucian's Relentless Pursuit and Ardent Blaze can also help him close the gap or dodge Aphelios' skillshots. However, be careful not to overcommit, as Aphelios' Chakrams and Infernum can deal massive AoE damage to multiple targets. Moreover, his Crescendum can spawn a turret that can shred your health if you don't take it down quickly. Therefore, make sure to time your engages, bait out Aphelios' abilities, and respect his damage potential.

If you're more of a tank player, don't worry, we've got you covered too. Maokai is a great choice against Aphelios, thanks to his crowd control, sustain, and resistance to magic damage. His Twisted Advance can root Aphelios in place and close the distance, while also providing some much-needed mobility. His Sapling Toss and Vengeful Maelstrom can also disrupt Aphelios' positioning and reduce his damage output. Additionally, Maokai's passive, Sap Magic, can heal him for a significant amount of health every few seconds, making him a tough nut to crack for Aphelios. However, be aware of Aphelios' Crescendum and Gravitum, which can slow you down and prevent you from reaching him. Also, watch out for his Calibrum and Severum, which can poke you from afar and sustain him in fights. Therefore, make sure to build magic resist items, coordinate with your team, and use your abilities wisely.

Another tanky option against Aphelios is Ornn. This blacksmith of the Freljord has the durability, crowd control, and item upgrades to match Aphelios' versatility. His Bellows Breath can shield himself from Aphelios' attacks, while also dealing some damage back. His Searing Charge can knock up Aphelios and create some distance, while also dealing damage. His Warden's Mail can slow down Aphelios' attack speed and reduce his damage output, while also providing some armor. Additionally, Ornn's Masterwork items can give him and his allies some much-needed buffs, such as increased health, armor, and magic resistance. However, be cautious of Aphelios' Crescendum and Gravitum, which can slow you down and kite you around. Also, be mindful of his Infernum and Chakrams, which can deal massive AoE damage to you and your team. Therefore, make sure to communicate with your team, build armor items, and use your abilities strategically.

If you're feeling adventurous and want to try some off-meta picks against Aphelios, why not try Sion? This undead juggernaut has the surprise factor, crowd control, and tankiness to catch Aphelios off-guard and lock him down. His Unstoppable Onslaught can charge through Aphelios' defenses and stun him, while also dealing damage. His Roar of the Slayer can slow down Aphelios and create some distance, while also dealing damage. His Soul Furnace can shield himself from Aphelios' burst, while also providing some bonus health. Additionally, Sion's Glory in Death passive can turn him into a walking bomb after he dies, potentially taking out Aphelios and his allies with him. However, be warned that Sion's kit is heavily telegraphed and predictable, making it easy for Aphelios to dodge or counter your abilities. Also, be mindful of Aphelios' Crescendum and Gravitum, which can slow you down and prevent you from reaching him. Therefore, make sure to surprise your opponent, build some tank items, and communicate with your team.

So, there you have it, folks. These are just some of the champions who can counter Aphelios and give him a taste of his own medicine. Of course, there are many other factors to consider, such as team compositions, item builds, and playstyles. However, with practice, patience, and a bit of luck, you can overcome the moon-wielding marksman and claim victory for your team. Remember, League of Legends is not just about winning or losing, it's about having fun and improving your skills. So, go out there, try out different champions, and enjoy the game!


Aphelios, the newest champion in League of Legends, has been causing quite a stir in the community. His unique kit and playstyle have left many players scratching their heads, wondering how to counter him. In this article, we will explore some of the best champions and strategies for shutting down Aphelios.

The Problem with Aphelios

Before we dive into the counters, let's take a moment to discuss what makes Aphelios so difficult to deal with. His kit is incredibly versatile, allowing him to adapt to a wide range of situations. He also has access to five different weapons, each with its own set of abilities. This makes it challenging to predict his next move and respond accordingly.

1. Burst Damage Champions

One of the best ways to deal with Aphelios is to burst him down quickly. Since he is relatively squishy, champions with high burst damage can take him out before he has a chance to react. Assassins like Zed and Talon are great choices for this strategy. They can quickly close the gap and unleash a flurry of attacks that can take Aphelios down in seconds.

2. Crowd Control Champions

Another effective way to deal with Aphelios is to lock him down with crowd control. Since he relies heavily on his mobility to avoid danger, champions with stuns, roots, or silences can be a nightmare for him. Morgana, for example, can use her Dark Binding to snare Aphelios, making him an easy target for her allies.

3. Long-Range Champions

Aphelios is most dangerous when he is up-close and personal. If you can keep your distance, he becomes much less of a threat. Champions with long-range abilities, like Caitlyn or Xerath, can harass Aphelios from afar, making it difficult for him to engage in combat. Plus, their abilities can deal significant damage even from a safe distance.

4. Itemization

Sometimes the best way to counter a champion is to adapt your item build accordingly. In the case of Aphelios, building items that reduce his attack speed or grant you more mobility can be incredibly effective. Frozen Heart, for example, reduces the attack speed of nearby enemies, making it harder for Aphelios to dish out damage. Alternatively, items like Phantom Dancer or Rapid Firecannon can give you the mobility you need to evade his attacks.

5. Teamwork

Finally, one of the most important things to remember when facing Aphelios is the importance of teamwork. Since he is such a versatile champion, he can fill a variety of roles on a team. This means that shutting him down often requires a coordinated effort from all members of your team. Communicate with your allies, focus your attacks, and don't let Aphelios get the upper hand.


Aphelios may be one of the most challenging champions to counter in League of Legends, but he is far from unbeatable. With the right champions, strategies, and teamwork, you can shut him down and secure victory for your team. So the next time you find yourself facing off against this enigmatic marksman, remember these tips and show him who's boss.Are you tired of Aphelios dominating the bot lane? Don't worry, we've got some hilarious tactics to counter this moon-loving marksman. First up, we have the Blinded by the Light technique. Just flash a bright light in his face and watch him stumble around like a lost kitten. It's like he forgot his sunglasses on a sunny day. If that doesn't work, try the Oh No, It's Kha'Zix! tactic. Nothing scares Aphelios more than a giant bug lurking around the corner. Release the Kha'Zix and watch Aphelios scamper away like a scared rabbit. For a more direct approach, try the Level 1 Blitzcrank Grab maneuver. Just wait for Aphelios to get a little too close and grab him with Blitzcrank's rocket arm. He won't see it coming, trust us! Feeling confident? Take Garen for a spin with the Garen Spin to Win strategy. Watch as he decimates Aphelios with his iconic spin to win move. It's simple, effective, and oh so satisfying. Looking for some explosive action? Try the Ziggs' Bouncing Bomb trick. Aphelios may be a master of moon magic, but can he handle the explosive power of Ziggs' bouncing bomb? We think not. For a slipperier approach, use the Trundle's Frozen Domain plan. Aphelios may have some fancy footwork, but can he handle the slippery slopes of Trundle's frozen domain? Spoiler alert: he can't. If all else fails, just slap Morgana's Black Shield on yourself with the Morgana's Black Shield maneuver and watch Aphelios' moon magic bounce right off. It's like wearing a magic-proof vest, only cooler. For a surprise attack, try the Maokai's Sapling Surprise technique. Nothing says gotcha! quite like Maokai's saplings popping up out of nowhere and taking Aphelios by surprise. It's a classic move for a reason. Finally, for some serious light show action, use the Lux's Laser Light Show plan. Aphelios may be a master of the moon, but can he handle the sheer brilliance of Lux's laser light show? Doubtful. And if all else fails, leave it to Nunu and Willump with the Nunu and Willump's Yeti Surprise tactic. Nothing throws off Aphelios' game like a giant yeti charging at him out of nowhere. So there you have it, folks. Ten hilarious ways to counter Aphelios and keep the bot lane interesting. Just remember to have fun and don't take it too seriously. After all, it's just a game.

Countering Aphelios: A Humorous Tale

The Problem with Aphelios

Aphelios is a champion in League of Legends that has been causing quite a stir. This marksman has the unique ability to cycle through five different weapons, each with their own set of abilities. While this may sound exciting, it also makes him a difficult champion to counter. Many players have been struggling to find a reliable way to shut him down.

The Solution

After much trial and error, we have gathered some information on the best champions to use against Aphelios. Here are some of our top picks:

  1. Mordekaiser: Not only can he tank Aphelios' damage, but his ultimate ability can isolate Aphelios from his team and make him an easy target.
  2. Caitlyn: Her long-range attacks can harass Aphelios, and her traps can prevent him from escaping.
  3. Kayn: His ability to move through walls can help him surprise Aphelios and take him out quickly.

While there are many other champions that can counter Aphelios, these three have proven to be the most effective.

The Humorous Side

Now, let's take a moment to appreciate the humor in all of this. If you're anything like us, you've probably been on the receiving end of an Aphelios rampage. You know the feeling - you're running for your life, watching as he cycles through his weapons and obliterates your health bar.

But fear not, my fellow gamers! We have found a solution, and it involves sending in the big guns - or, in this case, the big mechs. That's right, we're talking about the ultimate counter to Aphelios: Gundam.

Now, hear us out. Gundam has everything you need to take down Aphelios. It's got the speed, the power, and the ability to adapt to any situation. Plus, let's be real - who wouldn't want to see a giant robot battle it out with a champion from League of Legends?

So, there you have it. The solution to all your Aphelios woes: bring in the Gundam. We can already picture it now - Aphelios firing off his weapons frantically, only to be met with the crushing blow of a giant robot fist.

In all seriousness, though, we hope this information has been helpful in your quest to defeat Aphelios. Whether you choose to rely on Mordekaiser, Caitlyn, Kayn, or Gundam (hey, we won't judge), we wish you luck in your battles on the Rift.

Who Counters Aphelios without Title?

Well, well, well, look who we have here. It seems like you are interested in learning about who counters Aphelios in League of Legends. But before we dive into the nitty-gritty of it all, let's take a moment to appreciate the sheer beauty of this champion. With his four weapons, Aphelios has become one of the most complex and interesting champions to play. However, playing against him can be a nightmare for many players, which is why we are here to help you out.

First things first, let's talk about the champions that counter Aphelios. As you may know, Aphelios is a marksman, which means he is weak against assassins and burst damage champions. Therefore, champions like Zed, Talon, and LeBlanc can easily take him down if they catch him off guard. These champions can quickly close the gap between them and Aphelios, making it difficult for him to attack from a distance.

On the other hand, champions with crowd control abilities are also effective against Aphelios. Champions like Morgana, Thresh, and Nautilus can easily lock him down and prevent him from using his abilities, making him an easy target for their team to take down. Additionally, champions with high mobility, such as Yasuo and Lucian, can quickly dodge Aphelios' abilities and get up close and personal with him.

But let's be real here, sometimes even the best counters don't work, and you're left scratching your head wondering what went wrong. In those moments, it's essential to play smart and use your wits to outsmart your opponent. Here are a few tips that can help you counter Aphelios:

1. Stay away from his turrets: Aphelios' turrets can deal a significant amount of damage, so it's best to stay away from them. If you see him placing a turret, try to destroy it as soon as possible.

2. Focus on his ammo count: Aphelios' abilities are dependent on his ammo count, so keeping track of it can help you predict his next move. When he's low on ammo, he won't be able to use his abilities, making him an easy target.

3. Stay behind minions: Aphelios' abilities are skill shots, which means they can be blocked by minions. Staying behind minions can protect you from his attacks and make it difficult for him to hit you.

4. Keep a distance: As mentioned earlier, Aphelios is weak against burst damage champions, so it's best to keep a distance and attack him from afar. This will prevent him from getting close to you and using his abilities.

5. Don't chase him: Aphelios' ultimate ability allows him to teleport to a different location, making it difficult to chase him down. Instead, wait for him to come to you and then attack him.

6. Be patient: Aphelios' kit is complex, which means he can do a lot of things at once. Be patient and wait for him to use his abilities before attacking him.

7. Build armor: Lastly, building armor can help you survive Aphelios' attacks and reduce the damage he deals to you.

So there you have it, folks. These are the champions and tips that can help you counter Aphelios in League of Legends. Remember, playing against him may seem intimidating, but with the right strategy, you can easily take him down. Now go out there and show him who's boss!

Who Counters Aphelios?


Aphelios, the Weapon of the Faithful, is a complex marksman champion in League of Legends. He has a unique kit that allows him to cycle through different weapons with their own set of abilities. Aphelios can be quite difficult to deal with, but there are certain champions that can counter him effectively.

The People Also Ask Questions

Let's take a look at some of the questions people ask about who counters Aphelios:

1. Who can beat Aphelios in lane?

If you want to beat Aphelios in lane, you need a champion that can poke him down from a distance or all-in him. Here are some good options:

  • Caitlyn - Her long-range auto-attacks and Q ability can harass Aphelios from afar.
  • Draven - His high damage output can make short work of Aphelios if he gets too close.
  • Ezreal - His Q ability can poke Aphelios down and he can easily escape with his E ability.

2. Who can shut down Aphelios in team fights?

Aphelios can be a menace in team fights, but there are certain champions that can shut him down effectively. Here are some good options:

  • Malphite - His ultimate ability can knock up Aphelios and his team, making it easy for your team to focus him down.
  • Zed - His ultimate ability can quickly burst down Aphelios before he can react.
  • Leona - Her crowd control abilities can lock down Aphelios and prevent him from dealing damage.

3. Who is the best counter pick for Aphelios?

If you want to counter pick Aphelios, there are a few champions that work particularly well:

  • Ashe - Her ultimate ability can stun Aphelios from long range, making it easy for your team to follow up.
  • Jinx - Her high damage output and long-range rockets can take down Aphelios quickly.
  • Vayne - Her true damage and mobility can make short work of Aphelios if played correctly.

The Humorous Voice and Tone

Well, now you know who counters Aphelios. But let's be honest, the best way to counter him is to simply ban him in champion select. Just kidding (kind of). In all seriousness, Aphelios can be a challenging champion to deal with, but with the right strategy and champion picks, you can take him down. Good luck on the rift!