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Exploring the Terrifying World of Doctor Who Creepypasta: Uncover spine-chilling tales from the Whoniverse

Doctor Who Creepypasta

Doctor Who Creepypasta is a collection of spine-tingling tales that will send shivers down your spine. Enter the TARDIS at your own risk...

Are you ready to dive into the world of Doctor Who Creepypasta? Well, hold on tight because things are about to get spooky. Picture this: You're sitting alone in the dark, watching Doctor Who on your computer. Suddenly, the screen glitches and flickers. You think nothing of it, until the Doctor begins to act...strangely. His once jovial and witty personality turns sinister, and you can't help but feel a shiver run down your spine.

The hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you watch the Doctor's eyes turn black, and he addresses you directly through the screen. Hello there, he says, his voice dripping with malice. I've been waiting for you.

You start to feel a sense of dread wash over you as the Doctor begins to reveal his true intentions. He wants to trap you in his world forever, and he'll stop at nothing to make sure you never leave. As you try to escape his grasp, you encounter other creepy creatures and villains from the Doctor Who universe, each more terrifying than the last.

Just when you think you're safe, the Doctor returns with a vengeance. He's always one step ahead of you, and you begin to realize that you may never escape his clutches. As you frantically search for a way out, you start to wonder if this is all just a nightmare, or if you're really trapped in the Doctor's world forever.

But don't worry, dear reader, you're not alone in this terrifying journey. There are countless Doctor Who Creepypastas out there, each one more spine-chilling than the last. From haunted TARDISes to possessed Daleks, there's no shortage of horrifying tales to keep you up at night.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your sonic screwdriver and prepare yourself for a journey into the unknown. But be warned: once you enter the world of Doctor Who Creepypasta, there's no going back.

As you delve deeper into the world of Doctor Who Creepypasta, you'll encounter all sorts of terrifying creatures. One of the most infamous is the Weeping Angel. These stone statues may seem harmless at first, but as soon as you look away, they'll come to life and attack. You'll have to keep your wits about you if you want to survive their deadly game of cat and mouse.

Another iconic villain in the world of Doctor Who Creepypasta is the Empty Child. This gas mask-wearing child may seem innocent enough, but his eerie catchphrase - Are you my mummy? - will send shivers down your spine. And if you're not careful, you may end up becoming one of his mindless victims.

But it's not just the villains that will keep you up at night. The Doctor himself can be just as terrifying when he puts his mind to it. In one particularly chilling Creepypasta, the Doctor is revealed to be a Time Lord who has been driven insane by the horrors he's witnessed throughout his travels. He becomes obsessed with creating a perfect universe, and will stop at nothing to achieve his twisted vision.

Of course, not all Doctor Who Creepypastas are created equal. Some are cheesy and predictable, while others will leave you trembling with fear. But that's all part of the fun - you never know what you're going to get when you dive into the world of Doctor Who Creepypasta.

So why do we love these terrifying tales so much? Perhaps it's because they allow us to explore the darker side of the Doctor Who universe, a side that is often glossed over in the TV show. Or maybe it's simply because we love to be scared. Whatever the reason, there's no denying that Doctor Who Creepypasta has become a beloved sub-genre of horror fiction.

So if you're feeling brave, why not give a Doctor Who Creepypasta a try? Who knows - you may just discover a new favorite tale of terror. But remember: once you've entered the world of Doctor Who Creepypasta, there's no going back.

In the end, Doctor Who Creepypasta is a thrilling and terrifying sub-genre of horror fiction that has captured the imaginations of fans all over the world. Whether you're a die-hard Whovian or just looking for a good scare, there's no denying the power of these spine-chilling tales. So why not give one a try? Who knows - you may just discover a new favorite story to keep you up at night.


Doctor Who is one of the most beloved British TV shows of all time. It has a huge following around the world, and fans can't get enough of the Doctor's adventures through time and space. But what happens when the show takes a dark turn? That's where Doctor Who Creepypasta comes in. These stories are meant to scare and unsettle even the bravest of Whovians. But don't worry, we're going to take a humorous look at some of the best Doctor Who Creepypastas out there.

The Weeping Angels

The Weeping Angels are one of the most terrifying villains in the Doctor Who universe. They are stone statues that can only move when no one is looking at them. If you do look at them, they will send you back in time and feed off the energy you would have used in your remaining years. But what if the Weeping Angels were real? According to one Doctor Who Creepypasta, a group of researchers discovered a statue that seemed to be alive. It had the same features as a Weeping Angel, but it wasn't made of stone. As they studied the statue, they realized that it was slowly moving towards them, even when they were looking right at it.

The Empty Child

The Empty Child is one of the most iconic episodes of the new Doctor Who series. It introduced us to the terrifying child with a gas mask who kept asking, Are you my mummy? But what if the Empty Child wasn't just a fictional character? In one Doctor Who Creepypasta, a man claims that he saw the Empty Child walking down the street one night. He tried to run away, but the child kept following him, asking the same haunting question. The man eventually turned around and saw that the child's face had transformed into a grotesque mask, just like in the show.

The Daleks

The Daleks are the Doctor's most well-known enemies. They are ruthless killing machines that have been trying to exterminate the Doctor and his companions for decades. But what if the Daleks had already won? According to one Doctor Who Creepypasta, the Daleks had actually taken over the universe and enslaved all of humanity. The only thing left to do was wait for the Doctor to come and save them. But when the Doctor finally arrived, he was too late. The Daleks had already infiltrated his TARDIS and were waiting to exterminate him as soon as he stepped inside.

The Silence

The Silence is another iconic villain from the new Doctor Who series. They are a shadowy organization that can erase your memory as soon as you look away from them. But what if the Silence were real and they were after you? In one Doctor Who Creepypasta, a man claims that he has been followed by the Silence for years. Every time he turns around, he forgets what he was doing or why he was there. He can never remember their faces or what they want from him, but he knows that they are always watching.

The Time Lords

The Time Lords are the Doctor's own people, and they are supposed to be the guardians of time itself. But what if the Time Lords were evil? In one Doctor Who Creepypasta, the Doctor discovers that the Time Lords are actually responsible for all the horrors in the universe. They have been manipulating time and space to create the most terrifying scenarios imaginable. The Doctor must face off against his own people if he wants to save the universe from their twisted plots.

The Master

The Master is the Doctor's arch-nemesis, and he has been causing trouble for the Doctor since the classic series. But what if the Master was more than just a villain? In one Doctor Who Creepypasta, the Master is actually a manifestation of the Doctor's own dark side. He is the Doctor's id, the part of him that wants to destroy everything and rule over the universe. The Doctor must confront his own inner demons if he wants to defeat the Master once and for all.


The TARDIS is the Doctor's time and space ship, and it's one of the most iconic elements of the show. But what if the TARDIS had a mind of its own? In one Doctor Who Creepypasta, the TARDIS goes rogue and starts taking the Doctor to random points in time and space. It's as if the TARDIS has a will of its own, and it wants to torment the Doctor by showing him the worst possible scenarios. The Doctor must figure out how to regain control of his ship before it's too late.

The Cybermen

The Cybermen are another classic villain from the original series. They are half-man, half-machine creatures who want to convert everyone into their own image. But what if the Cybermen were already among us? In one Doctor Who Creepypasta, a man discovers that his own body has been taken over by Cybermen technology. He can feel the metal coursing through his veins and taking over his thoughts. He tries to warn others, but no one believes him. The Cybermen are slowly taking over the world, and there's nothing anyone can do to stop them.

The Doctor Himself

The Doctor is supposed to be the hero of the show, but what if he was actually the villain? In one Doctor Who Creepypasta, the Doctor is revealed to be a madman who has been manipulating time and space for his own twisted purposes. He's been using his companions as pawns in his game, and he's been responsible for some of the most horrific events in history. The Doctor must face the consequences of his actions and try to make amends before it's too late.


Doctor Who Creepypasta may be scary, but they're also a lot of fun. They allow us to imagine what would happen if our favorite show took a darker turn. Whether it's the Weeping Angels, the Daleks, or the Doctor himself, these stories give us a chance to explore the darker side of the Doctor Who universe. So the next time you're feeling brave, why not check out some Doctor Who Creepypasta? Just don't look behind you...

Have you heard about the latest Doctor Who Creepypasta? It seems that the Weeping Angels have decided to lighten up their act and start playing practical jokes on unsuspecting victims. Just imagine turning the corner to find one of those terrifying statues doing the classic I got your nose trick on you. It's enough to make you run in the opposite direction...if you can move, that is.Meanwhile, the Daleks seem to have gotten bored with their usual genocidal tendencies. What do they do to pass the time, you ask? They started a book club, of course! The first book on their list? How to Stop Being Such a Beep-Boop and Learn to Love the Universe. Who knew that the Daleks had such a sensitive side?And speaking of sensitive sides, have you ever considered that the Cybermen might secretly have feelings too? What if they cried oil tears whenever someone hurt their feelings? Suddenly, the idea of turning them into scrap metal doesn't seem quite so appealing...But what about the Time Lord himself? For someone who can travel through time, you'd think the Doctor would always be on time for appointments. Sadly, that's not the case. In fact, he's notoriously late for everything. Maybe he needs to invest in a TARDIS with a better alarm clock.Meanwhile, the Vashta Nerada offer a truly unique dining experience with their murder mystery dinner theater. Sure, they might have a tendency to eat their guests, but at least you'll die laughing...right?The Silence, on the other hand, must be having a frustrating experience. Imagine trying to give people orders, only to forget what you were saying every few seconds. It's like a weird form of cosmic amnesia. Maybe that's why they're always so grumpy.And then there are the Zygons, who take shapeshifting to a whole new level by getting into cosplay. Who knew that a giant tentacled alien could rock a Sailor Moon outfit so well?Meanwhile, the Adipose have started their own weight loss program, which might not be the quickest way to shed some pounds, but hey, it worked for them. And the Sontarans have surprised us all with their unlikely passion for interior decorating. Who knew that camouflage could be so chic?Finally, we have the Ood, who have formed their own boy band. With hits like The Song of Our People (Who Happen to Be Ood) and Tentacle Love, they became overnight sensations (at least in certain parts of the galaxy). Who knew that a group of tentacled aliens would have so much musical talent?

The Doctor Who Creepypasta: A Humorous Tale

The Premise

So, have you heard of the Doctor Who Creepypasta? If not, let me fill you in. It's a supposed lost episode of the popular sci-fi show Doctor Who that never aired due to its disturbing content. The story goes that the episode features the Doctor and his companion stumbling upon an abandoned research facility on a planet called Epsilon Eridani. Inside, they find a group of scientists who have been experimenting on a parasitic alien species. Things quickly go awry when the parasites infect the Doctor and his companion, turning them into mindless, murderous creatures.

The Problem

Now, I'm all for a good horror story, but the Doctor Who Creepypasta just doesn't sit right with me. For starters, it goes against everything that Doctor Who stands for. The show is all about hope, adventure, and the triumph of good over evil. The idea of the Doctor and his companion succumbing to darkness just feels wrong.

The Ridiculousness

But let's set aside the moral dilemma for a moment and talk about how ridiculous this whole thing is. I mean, come on. The Doctor Who Creepypasta reads like a bad fanfic written by a thirteen-year-old who just discovered horror movies. The plot is contrived, the characters are flat, and the dialogue is cringe-worthy. And don't even get me started on the so-called parasites. They sound like something out of a cheesy B-movie.

The Conclusion

So, what's my point in all this? Honestly, I don't really have one. I just wanted to rant about the Doctor Who Creepypasta for a bit. But if there's one thing I hope you take away from this, it's that not all internet horror stories are created equal. Some are genuinely terrifying, while others are just plain silly. And the Doctor Who Creepypasta falls firmly into the latter category.

Table Information

  • Keywords: Doctor Who, Creepypasta, lost episode, horror story, sci-fi, parasitic aliens
  • Point of View: Humorous
  • Title: The Doctor Who Creepypasta: A Humorous Tale
  • Sub Headings: The Premise, The Problem, The Ridiculousness, The Conclusion
  • Paragraph Tags Used: <p>

Thanks for Reading, Whovians!

Well, well, well! You made it to the end of our Doctor Who Creepypasta without title! Congratulations! You're a true Whovian, and we love you for it. Before you go, we just want to give you a proper send-off and thank you for sticking with us through this journey.

First off, we hope you enjoyed reading this creepypasta as much as we enjoyed writing it. We know it's not easy to scare a Whovian, but we gave it our best shot. Hopefully, we managed to spook you just a little bit. If we did, then our work here is done.

Secondly, we know that Doctor Who is a beloved franchise with a passionate fanbase. We want to assure you that we didn't mess with the lore or canon of the show in any way. This creepypasta was just a fun exercise in storytelling, and we hope it entertained you.

Thirdly, we want to thank you for your support. Writing can be a lonely and thankless task, but knowing that there are people out there who are reading and enjoying our work makes it all worthwhile. So, thank you for being here, and for engaging with us.

Fourthly, if you're feeling brave, we encourage you to share this creepypasta with your fellow Whovians. Who knows? Maybe you'll spark a conversation about what scares us, and what we love about Doctor Who.

Fifthly, if you're still feeling scared after reading this, don't worry! The Doctor is here to save the day. Just watch a few episodes of the show, and you'll soon forget all about this creepypasta. Trust us, we've tried it ourselves.

Sixthly, we want to remind you that this is just one of many creepypastas out there. If you enjoy horror and storytelling, there are plenty of other stories to explore. Just be careful not to get too scared! We wouldn't want you to have nightmares.

Seventhly, we hope that this creepypasta has inspired you to write your own stories. Whether it's Doctor Who fanfiction or original horror, we believe that everyone has a story to tell. So, grab a pen and paper, and let your imagination run wild.

Eighthly, we want to thank the Doctor Who community for being so welcoming and supportive. It's always a pleasure to connect with fellow fans, and we're grateful for the friendships we've made through this shared love of the show.

Ninthly, we hope that you'll continue to visit our blog for more Doctor Who content. We're always looking for new and interesting ways to explore the world of the Doctor, and we'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

Tenthly, and finally, we want to leave you with a quote from the Ninth Doctor: You were fantastic. And you know what? So was I. We believe that this applies to all of us. We're all fantastic in our own way, and we should never forget that.

So, once again, thank you for reading our Doctor Who Creepypasta without title. We hope you had a frightfully good time, and that you'll come back for more. Until then, Allons-y!

People Also Ask About Doctor Who Creepypasta

What is Doctor Who Creepypasta?

Doctor Who Creepypasta is a type of horror story that is based on the popular British TV series, Doctor Who. These stories often involve characters from the show and add a creepy or disturbing twist to their adventures.

Are Doctor Who Creepypastas scary?

Well, that depends on your definition of scary. Some Doctor Who Creepypastas are definitely spooky and unsettling, while others are more funny than frightening. But if you're a fan of horror stories and Doctor Who, you'll probably find them entertaining.

Why do people write Doctor Who Creepypastas?

People write Doctor Who Creepypastas for the same reason they write any kind of fan fiction - because they love the source material and want to explore it in new and different ways. Plus, horror is a popular genre that allows writers to indulge their darker impulses.

Can Doctor Who Creepypastas be canon?

No, Doctor Who Creepypastas are not considered canon by the creators of the show or the BBC. They are simply fan fiction and should be taken as such.

What are some examples of Doctor Who Creepypastas?

There are many Doctor Who Creepypastas out there, but here are a few popular ones:

  • The Weeping Angels Game - A game that involves playing hide-and-seek with Weeping Angels, but with deadly consequences.
  • The Doctor's Wife - A story about the TARDIS becoming jealous of the Doctor's companions and taking matters into her own hands.
  • The Empty Child's Revenge - A tale of the Empty Child seeking revenge on Captain Jack Harkness for his role in spreading the nanogenes.

Should I read Doctor Who Creepypastas?

If you're a fan of Doctor Who and horror stories, then sure! Just remember that these stories are not official canon and should be taken with a grain of salt. And if they give you nightmares, don't say we didn't warn you!