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Unlock the Secrets of the Time Lords with the Doctor Who Sourcebook - Your Ultimate Companion to the Whoniverse

Doctor Who Sourcebook

The Doctor Who Sourcebook is a comprehensive guide to the universe of Doctor Who, featuring in-depth information on characters, locations, and more.

Are you a Whovian? Do you know your Daleks from your Cybermen? Have you ever wished you could travel through time and space in the TARDIS? Well, my fellow Doctor Who enthusiasts, have I got news for you! The Doctor Who Sourcebook is here to satisfy all your Time Lord cravings.

First of all, let me tell you, this sourcebook is the real deal. It's not some cheap knock-off or fan-made guide. No, sir. This bad boy was written and published by Cubicle 7 Entertainment, the same folks who brought us the official Doctor Who Roleplaying Game. So you know it's legit.

Now, I know some of you may be thinking, But I don't play RPGs, so why would I need this sourcebook? To that, I say, Pish posh! This book is chock-full of information about the Doctor Who universe that any fan would find fascinating. Plus, it's written in such an entertaining and delightful manner that even non-fans might get sucked in.

Let's talk about the layout of the book for a sec. It's divided into several chapters, each one focusing on a specific aspect of the Doctor Who universe. You've got chapters on the different Doctors and their companions, chapters on the various alien races and monsters, and even a chapter on the TARDIS itself. It's like having a TARDIS library at your fingertips!

One thing I particularly love about this sourcebook is how it doesn't take itself too seriously. Yes, it's informative and well-researched, but it's also full of little jokes and asides that make it feel like you're chatting with a fellow Whovian rather than reading a dry textbook. For example, in the chapter on the Daleks, there's a section titled What Do Daleks Want? and the answer is simply To exterminate things. I mean, come on. That's gold.

Another great thing about this sourcebook is how it incorporates both classic and modern Doctor Who. Whether you're a fan of the black-and-white days or you only started watching when Christopher Eccleston took over, there's something in here for you. And if you're a fan of both eras (like me), you'll appreciate how the book seamlessly weaves them together.

Of course, as with any reference book, there are some sections that are more interesting than others. Personally, I found the chapters on the Doctors themselves and their respective companions to be the most fascinating. Learning little tidbits about each incarnation of the Doctor and the people who traveled with him (or her!) was a real treat.

But even the sections that didn't interest me as much were still well-written and informative. I never realized just how many different kinds of Cybermen there were until I read this book!

Overall, I can't recommend the Doctor Who Sourcebook enough. Whether you're a die-hard Whovian or just someone who enjoys a good read, this book is sure to entertain and enlighten. So grab yourself a cup of tea (or fish fingers and custard, if that's your thing) and dive into the wonderful world of Doctor Who.

The Doctor is in...the RPG World?

Yes, that's right! The legendary sci-fi series Doctor Who has now entered the world of tabletop role-playing games with the Doctor Who Sourcebook. As a Whovian myself, I couldn't resist getting my hands on this game book and immersing myself in the Doctor's universe. But let me tell you, it was quite an experience.

What is the Doctor Who Sourcebook?

For those who are unfamiliar with tabletop RPGs, let me give you a brief rundown. Essentially, the game master (or in this case, the Time Lord) sets up a story for the players to navigate through. Each player creates a character and rolls dice to determine the success or failure of their actions. It's like Dungeons and Dragons, but with more sonic screwdrivers.

The Doctor Who Sourcebook provides all the rules, character sheets, and information needed to create your own Doctor Who adventures. Players can choose to play as the Doctor and his companions, or create their own original characters to travel through time and space. The book covers everything from character creation to combat, and even includes a variety of aliens and enemies to face.

Creating a Character

Of course, the first thing I did when I got my hands on the Doctor Who Sourcebook was create my own character. Now, I've played my fair share of RPGs, but creating a character in the Doctor Who universe was a whole different ballgame. Instead of choosing a class like warrior or mage, players must choose a role such as scientist or investigator.

Players also have the option to choose from a variety of species including humans, Time Lords, and even Daleks (although why anyone would want to play as a Dalek is beyond me). Each species has its own set of abilities and weaknesses, making character creation all the more interesting.

Traveling through Time and Space

Once our characters were created, it was time to start adventuring. The Doctor Who Sourcebook provides a variety of scenarios for players to choose from, ranging from historical events like the sinking of the Titanic to futuristic battles on alien planets.

One of the coolest parts of the game is the ability to travel through time and space using the TARDIS. Players must work together to navigate the TARDIS through the vortex and avoid crashing into other time periods.

Sonic Screwdrivers and Psychic Paper

Of course, no Doctor Who game would be complete without the Doctor's trusty sonic screwdriver and psychic paper. These items can be used to open doors, hack computers, and even convince people that you're someone else entirely.

But be warned, the sonic screwdriver and psychic paper are not a cure-all for every situation. Players must use them wisely and come up with creative solutions to problems.

Aliens and Enemies

No Doctor Who adventure would be complete without a variety of aliens and enemies to face. The Doctor Who Sourcebook includes a variety of creatures from the show's history including Daleks, Cybermen, and Weeping Angels.

Players must work together to defeat these foes using their wits and abilities. And let me tell you, facing a Weeping Angel in an RPG is just as terrifying as it is on the TV show.

Overall Thoughts

The Doctor Who Sourcebook is a must-have for any Whovian who also happens to be a fan of tabletop RPGs. It's a fun and immersive way to experience the Doctor's universe and create your own adventures. The rules are easy to understand, and the scenarios provide a good mix of action and mystery.

However, I will say that this game is not for everyone. If you're not a fan of RPGs or Doctor Who, you probably won't enjoy it as much. But for those who are fans of both, it's a match made in heaven (or Gallifrey).

So, are you ready to become a Time Lord?

If you're a Whovian looking for a new way to experience the Doctor's universe, I highly recommend giving the Doctor Who Sourcebook a try. It's a fun and unique way to immerse yourself in the world of the Doctor and create your own adventures through time and space.

Just don't forget to bring your sonic screwdriver and psychic paper.

Are you ready to take a trip through time and space? Well, Time Travel 101: Everything You Need to Know (and More) is waiting for you in the Doctor Who Sourcebook. This book has everything you need to know about the TARDIS and the vortex, making you feel like you could take on Daleks and Cybermen without even breaking a sweat. Who needs a boring history book when you can have History? What History? We've Got Timey-Wimey! With this sourcebook, you'll learn about the history of the show, delve into the backgrounds of the characters, and explore the creatures that have made the Doctor's adventures so memorable.And let's not forget about Companion Crushes: The Ultimate Guide. We all have had a crush on at least one companion throughout the series, whether it's Rose Tyler, Amy Pond, or Captain Jack Harkness (don't deny it). This sourcebook will have you swooning over each and every one of them. But, be careful not to get too distracted by your crushes because The Aliens Are Coming! (Again). From the Daleks to the Weeping Angels, this book has everything you need to know about these extraterrestrial beings that have made the Doctor's adventures so thrilling.But how has the show managed to keep going for 57 years? Regeneration: How to Keep the Show Going for 57 Years is the answer. This sourcebook is a testament to the show's longevity and popularity. You'll learn all about the evolution of the show and the various Doctors that have kept it going for over five decades. And if you're wondering how to travel through time, just turn to The TARDIS: Your Ultimate Travel Companion. Forget about booking a flight or renting a car, with this book, you'll feel like you have your own personal TARDIS.Now, why is the Doctor the ultimate hero? Why the Doctor is Like No Other Superhero will tell you why. With his wit, intelligence, and a whole lot of heart, the Doctor has captivated audiences for years and will continue to do so for generations to come. And let's not forget about the music of Doctor Who: From Classic to Contemporary. If you're a fan of the show, you know that the music is just as important as the visuals. This sourcebook will take you through the history and evolution of the show's iconic music.But what about the Doctor's greatest enemies (and frenemies)? The Doctor's Greatest Enemies (And Frenemies) has everything you need to know about the characters that have made the show so compelling. And if you're ambitious enough to want to become a Time Lord, So You Want to Be a Time Lord? Here's Your Guide is the place to start. From the mythology to the gadgets, this book will have you feeling like you're ready to take on the universe in no time. Just be sure to keep an eye out for Daleks and Cybermen, they can be quite pesky.In conclusion, the Doctor Who Sourcebook is the ultimate guide to exploring the universe as a time traveler. With its humorous tone and voice, it makes learning about the show and its characters a fun and enjoyable experience. So grab your sonic screwdriver and get ready for an adventure like no other.

The Doctor Who Sourcebook: A Guide to Time and Space Adventures


Hi there, fellow Whovians! Are you looking to dive deeper into the world of Doctor Who? Well, look no further because the Doctor Who Sourcebook is here to save the day! This guidebook is jam-packed with everything you need to know about the show's characters, locations, and adventures. And let me tell you, it's an absolute delight!

What is the Doctor Who Sourcebook?

The Doctor Who Sourcebook is a comprehensive guide to the hit TV show Doctor Who. It covers all 13 Doctors, their companions, and all the different aliens, planets, and dimensions they encounter throughout their adventures. It's like having your own TARDIS at your fingertips!

Why the Doctor Who Sourcebook is Awesome

There are so many reasons why the Doctor Who Sourcebook is amazing, but I'll try to keep it brief:

  1. It's incredibly detailed - You'll learn everything from the history of Gallifrey to the different types of Daleks.
  2. It's visually stunning - The book is filled with beautiful illustrations and photos that will transport you right into the Doctor's world.
  3. It's hilarious - The writing is witty and charming, just like the Doctor himself.
  4. It's a must-have for any Whovian - Trust me, you won't be able to put it down!

How to Use the Doctor Who Sourcebook

The Doctor Who Sourcebook is designed to be used as a reference guide while watching the show. You can quickly look up information about a character or location and get all the details you need. Or, you can read through it cover to cover and immerse yourself in the world of Doctor Who.


In conclusion, the Doctor Who Sourcebook is an absolute gem for any fan of the show. Whether you're a longtime Whovian or just starting your journey, this guidebook will enhance your viewing experience and make you fall in love with the Doctor all over again. So what are you waiting for? Grab your sonic screwdriver and get ready for an adventure through time and space!

Keywords Description
Doctor Who A British science-fiction TV show about an alien time-traveller known as the Doctor who explores the universe with his companions.
Doctor Who Sourcebook A guidebook that covers all 13 Doctors, their companions, and all the different aliens, planets, and dimensions they encounter throughout their adventures.
TARDIS The Doctor's time and space ship that looks like a blue British police box from the 1960s.
Gallifrey The Doctor's home planet and the home of the Time Lords.
Daleks An alien race of mutants from the planet Skaro who are bent on the destruction of all other life forms.
Whovians A term used to describe fans of the Doctor Who TV show.

Don't Blink! The Doctor Who Sourcebook is the Ultimate Guide

Greetings to all my fellow Whovians out there! It's been a pleasure sharing with you all the wonders and mysteries that the Doctor Who Sourcebook has to offer. But alas, all good things must come to an end. So, I thought I'd leave you all with some parting words about this amazing guide.

First and foremost, if you're a fan of Doctor Who, then this sourcebook is a must-have in your collection. It's packed with everything you need to know about the show - from its history and mythology to its characters and enemies. And trust me, there's a lot to learn here.

But what makes this guide truly special is the humor and wit that it brings to the table. You won't find a dry recitation of facts here. Instead, you'll be treated to clever anecdotes, hilarious quotes, and even some tongue-in-cheek commentary about the show itself.

To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, let me share some of my favorite moments from the sourcebook. There's the section on the Daleks, where the authors note that the only thing more terrifying than a Dalek is a Dalek on a stairwell. Or how about the entry for the Weeping Angels, where they suggest that if you're ever in doubt about whether a statue is a Weeping Angel or not, just poke it with a stick. If it moves, run.

And let's not forget about the quirky little tidbits that are sprinkled throughout the book. Did you know that the TARDIS console was made from old airplane parts? Or that the Doctor's favorite food is fish fingers and custard? These little details add so much depth and color to the Doctor Who universe.

But beyond the humor and trivia, the Doctor Who Sourcebook is also a fantastic resource for anyone looking to run a game in the Whoniverse. The book is chock-full of stats and information on all the major characters and monsters, as well as advice on how to create your own adventures and campaigns.

So, whether you're a die-hard fan or a tabletop gamer looking for a new setting, the Doctor Who Sourcebook is definitely worth checking out. Just remember - don't blink, or you might miss something important!

And with that, I bid you all farewell. It's been an honor and a joy to share my love for Doctor Who with all of you. Until next time, keep exploring time and space, and always remember - bow ties are cool.

People Also Ask About Doctor Who Sourcebook

What is the Doctor Who Sourcebook?

The Doctor Who Sourcebook is a guidebook that provides information about the popular British television series, Doctor Who. It contains detailed information about the characters, creatures, and worlds that are featured in the show.

Who is the author of the Doctor Who Sourcebook?

The Doctor Who Sourcebook was written by David F. Chapman and Morgan Davie. These two brilliant minds have put together a comprehensive guide to the Doctor Who universe, which is sure to delight fans of the show.

What kind of information can I find in the Doctor Who Sourcebook?

The Doctor Who Sourcebook contains information about the various characters, aliens, and planets that have been featured in the show. It also includes information about the history of the Doctor, as well as details about his companions.

  • You can find out about the different versions of the Doctor, including his various regenerations.
  • You can learn about the different races and creatures that inhabit the Doctor Who universe, such as the Daleks, Cybermen, and Weeping Angels.
  • You can discover the secrets of the TARDIS, the Doctor's time machine, and learn about its many amazing features.
  • You can find out about the various enemies and allies that the Doctor has encountered on his travels through time and space.

Is the Doctor Who Sourcebook suitable for all ages?

Yes, the Doctor Who Sourcebook is suitable for all ages. However, younger readers may need some assistance with some of the more complex terminology and concepts.

Where can I buy the Doctor Who Sourcebook?

The Doctor Who Sourcebook can be purchased from a variety of online retailers, including Amazon and Barnes & Noble. It is also available at many bookstores and comic book shops.

Is the Doctor Who Sourcebook a must-have for Doctor Who fans?

Absolutely! The Doctor Who Sourcebook is an essential guide for any fan of the show. It is packed with fascinating information about the Doctor Who universe and is sure to provide hours of entertainment.

In conclusion, the Doctor Who Sourcebook is a must-have for any fan of the show. It provides a wealth of information about the characters, creatures, and worlds that are featured in Doctor Who, and is sure to delight readers of all ages. So, grab your sonic screwdriver and dive into the Doctor Who universe with the help of the Doctor Who Sourcebook!