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Craig from Doctor Who: A Fan-Favorite Character with a Heartwarming Storyline

Craig Doctor Who

Craig, a recurring character on Doctor Who, is a lovable and relatable dad who gets caught up in the Doctor's adventures.

Craig, oh Craig! Who doesn't love Craig from Doctor Who? He may not be the Doctor, but he sure knows how to steal the show with his wit and charm. In fact, he's so beloved by fans that he's made multiple appearances on the show. Let's take a closer look at what makes Craig such a fan favorite.

Firstly, let's talk about his introduction in the episode The Lodger. From the moment he appears on screen, it's clear that Craig is going to be a hilarious addition to the show. The way he bumbles through his day-to-day life is relatable to anyone who has ever struggled to adult. Plus, his interactions with the Eleventh Doctor are pure gold. Their banter is the perfect mix of silly and snarky, making for some of the funniest moments in the entire series.

Speaking of funny moments, let's not forget about the time Craig became a Cyberman. Yes, you read that right. In Closing Time, Craig is transformed into a half-Cyberman hybrid and must fight against his programming to save his son. It's an absurd premise, but somehow it works. Perhaps it's because James Corden (the actor who plays Craig) is so darn likable that we're willing to go along with it. Or maybe it's just because seeing a Cyberman trying to change a diaper is too hilarious to resist.

But it's not just Craig's comedic moments that make him stand out. He also has some genuinely touching scenes, particularly in his second episode The Almost People. Here, we see a more vulnerable side of Craig as he grapples with his own mortality and the prospect of leaving his newborn son behind. It's a poignant reminder that even in a show as wacky as Doctor Who, there can be moments of real emotion and depth.

Of course, we can't talk about Craig without mentioning his relationship with Sophie. The two of them make for one of the sweetest couples in the Whoniverse, and their chemistry is palpable. Whether they're arguing over whose turn it is to change the baby or sharing a tender moment on the couch, Craig and Sophie feel like a real, relatable couple. It's refreshing to see a romantic subplot that doesn't rely on grand gestures or melodrama.

Another thing that makes Craig so great is his everyman quality. Unlike the Doctor, who is constantly saving the universe and traveling through time and space, Craig is just a regular guy trying to make it through the day. He has a job, a girlfriend, and a baby to take care of. In a way, he represents the audience's perspective on the Doctor's adventures. He's the grounded, relatable character that we can all identify with.

But even though Craig may be an everyman, that doesn't mean he's not capable of heroism. In Closing Time, he puts himself in danger to save his son and the rest of the world from a Cyberman invasion. And in The Lodger, he helps the Doctor defeat an alien threat using nothing but his own ingenuity and a bit of luck. These moments of bravery show that even the most ordinary person can rise to the occasion when the situation calls for it.

Of course, we can't talk about Craig without mentioning his signature move: the Craig dance. This goofy little jig has become a fan favorite, and for good reason. There's something infectious about Craig's enthusiasm as he flails around to whatever music happens to be playing. It's a reminder that sometimes, you just need to let loose and have a little fun.

All in all, Craig is a character that embodies the best of Doctor Who: humor, heart, and heroism. He may not have a TARDIS or a sonic screwdriver, but he's still managed to carve out a special place in fans' hearts. So here's to you, Craig. Thanks for being a part of the Whoniverse.

Craig, the Regular Guy Who Became a Time Lord Companion

When Craig first appeared in the fifth season of Doctor Who, nobody could have guessed that this regular guy would become such an iconic and beloved companion. With his witty humor, relatable personality, and undeniable charm, Craig quickly won over fans of the show and became one of the most memorable characters in its history.

The Birth of Craig

Craig Owens was first introduced in the episode The Lodger, which aired on June 12, 2010. In this episode, the Doctor finds himself stranded on Earth and ends up renting a room from Craig, a bumbling but lovable office worker who is struggling to find his place in the world.

Despite their initial awkwardness, the Doctor and Craig quickly form a bond, with the Time Lord taking on the role of Craig's mentor and guide as they navigate the dangers of modern-day London.

The Return of Craig

Craig proved to be so popular with fans that he was brought back for another episode in the sixth season, titled Closing Time. In this episode, Craig has become a father and is struggling to balance his new responsibilities with his old life.

Once again, the Doctor comes to Craig's aid, helping him to save the world from an alien invasion while also teaching him the importance of being a good parent and partner.

Craig's Best Moments

While Craig may not have been a full-time companion like some of the other characters in the show, he still managed to have some of the most memorable moments in its history. Here are just a few of our favorites:

Craig's Dance Moves

In The Lodger, Craig's attempts to impress his girlfriend Sophie with his dance moves are both hilarious and endearing. Watching him awkwardly shuffle around the living room while the Doctor looks on in bemusement is one of the funniest scenes in the entire show.

Craig's Fatherhood Struggles

In Closing Time, Craig's struggles to balance his new role as a father with his old life as an office worker are both relatable and heartwarming. Seeing him learn to put his family first while also saving the world from an alien invasion is a testament to his character's growth and development over the course of the show.

Craig's Bromance with the Doctor

One of the best things about Craig's character is his unlikely friendship with the Doctor. Despite their vastly different personalities and backgrounds, the two men share a deep bond that is both entertaining and touching to watch.

Craig's Legacy

While Craig may not have had the same impact on the show as some of the other companions, he still managed to leave a lasting impression on fans. His relatable personality, humorous moments, and heartwarming character arc made him a fan favorite, and his legacy lives on in the hearts of viewers around the world.

Whether you're a longtime Doctor Who fan or a newcomer to the series, Craig's episodes are definitely worth watching. With his witty humor, relatable struggles, and charming personality, he is a true icon of the show and a beloved companion for all time.

The Final Word

Craig Owens may not have been a traditional Time Lord companion, but he still managed to capture the hearts of Doctor Who fans around the world. With his relatable personality, humorous moments, and heartwarming character arc, he remains one of the most memorable characters in the show's history.

So if you're looking for a reason to re-watch some of your favorite Doctor Who episodes, why not give Craig's adventures a try? You might just find yourself falling in love with this regular guy turned Time Lord companion all over again.

The Doctor with the Face of Confusion

Craig, also known as The Doctor with the Face of Confusion, is not your typical Time Lord. He doesn't have a fancy TARDIS or a sonic screwdriver that can do everything. Instead, he has Craig's companions: an endless list of confused humans who follow him around, hoping he knows what he's doing. Spoiler alert: he usually doesn't.

Craig's TARDIS: Bigger on the Outside, but Only Just

Craig's TARDIS is a bit of a joke. Sure, it's bigger on the outside, but only just. It's like a clown car - you never know how many people are going to fit inside. And don't even get me started on the interior design. It's like someone took a bunch of random objects and threw them together in a blender. It's chaotic and confusing, just like Craig himself.

Craig's Sonic Screwdriver: Only Good for Waving Around

Craig's sonic screwdriver is another disappointment. It's only good for waving around and making beeping noises. It can't really do anything useful, like open doors or hack into computer systems. But Craig loves it anyway. He thinks it makes him look cool, even though his companions just roll their eyes.

Craig's Arch Nemesis: Directions

Craig's arch nemesis is not some evil alien race or a power-hungry dictator. No, it's something much simpler: directions. Craig can never seem to find his way anywhere. His TARDIS lands in the wrong place almost every time, and he's constantly getting lost. His companions have learned to just go with the flow, knowing they'll eventually end up where they're supposed to be (hopefully).

Craig's Superpower: Making Simple Tasks Difficult

Craig's superpower is not something you'll find in a comic book. It's the ability to make simple tasks difficult. Need to fix a broken spaceship? Craig will somehow manage to break it even more. Trying to navigate a maze? Craig will always choose the wrong path. It's like he has a knack for making everything harder than it needs to be.

Craig's Planetary Visits: Always Landing in the Wrong Place

Craig's planetary visits are never straightforward. He always seems to land in the wrong place, whether it's a war zone or a deserted wasteland. His companions have learned to brace themselves for the unexpected, knowing that anything could happen when Craig is in charge. They've been chased by aliens, arrested by space police, and almost eaten by giant monsters. But hey, at least they have good stories to tell.

Craig's Greatest Fear: Reading Instructions

Craig's greatest fear is something we can all relate to: reading instructions. He hates it. He'd rather just wing it and hope for the best. Unfortunately, this usually leads to disaster. His companions have learned to read the instructions themselves and then explain it to Craig in simple terms. It's not ideal, but it's better than the alternative.

Craig's Favorite Plot Twist: Unsuccessfully Landing on Earth From 500 Years in the Future

Craig's favorite plot twist is the classic unsuccessfully landing on Earth from 500 years in the future scenario. It's happened to him so many times that he's started to find it amusing. His companions, on the other hand, are less thrilled. They know it means they'll have to find a way to fix the timeline without messing up the present day. It's a lot of pressure, but Craig just thinks it's hilarious.

Craig's Most Common Phrase: 'Wait, What?'

If there's one phrase you'll hear Craig say more than any other, it's wait, what? He's constantly confused and disoriented, which leads to a lot of misunderstandings and mistakes. His companions have learned to repeat themselves and speak slowly, hoping that he'll eventually catch up. But sometimes, even they don't know what's going on.

In conclusion, Craig may not be the most competent or reliable Time Lord, but he's certainly entertaining. His bumbling nature and constant confusion make for some great stories. Who needs a perfect hero when you can have Craig, the Doctor with the Face of Confusion?

The Adventures of Craig, the Doctor Who Fanatic

Craig's Obsession with Doctor Who

Craig was a die-hard fan of Doctor Who. He had watched every episode, read every book, and even dressed up as the Doctor for Halloween. His love for the show was unmatched, and he often spoke in a British accent, pretending to be the Doctor himself.

One day, Craig was walking down the street when he saw a blue police box. His heart skipped a beat, and he ran towards it, hoping it was the TARDIS. He banged on the door, shouting Doctor, it's me, Craig! Let me in!


  • Craig
  • Doctor Who
  • Fanatic
  • British accent

Craig Meets the Doctor

To Craig's surprise, the door of the police box opened, and out stepped the Doctor. Craig could hardly believe his eyes; he was face-to-face with his hero. The Doctor looked at him quizzically and said, Who are you, then?

Craig stammered, I'm Craig, your biggest fan! I know everything about you, and I've always dreamed of traveling through time and space with you.

The Doctor smiled and said, Well, Craig, I could use a companion. Hop in! Craig jumped into the TARDIS with a huge grin on his face, feeling like he was living in a dream.


  • The Doctor
  • Companion
  • Time and space
  • Dream

Craig's Adventures with the Doctor

For the next few weeks, Craig traveled through time and space with the Doctor. They visited alien planets, fought off monsters, and even went back in time to meet historical figures. Craig was having the time of his life, but he couldn't help but notice that the Doctor seemed a bit distracted.

One day, Craig asked the Doctor what was wrong. The Doctor sighed and said, Craig, I have to tell you something. I'm not actually the Doctor. I'm just a fan who found a TARDIS and decided to live out my dream.

Craig was shocked, but he couldn't help but laugh. He said, Well, you had me fooled! You're still the coolest guy I've ever met.


  • Alien planets
  • Monsters
  • Historical figures
  • Dream

Craig's Return to Reality

Eventually, Craig's adventure with the Doctor had to come to an end. He returned to his normal life, but he never forgot the amazing experiences he had. He continued to watch Doctor Who and attend conventions, hoping that one day he would meet the real Doctor.

Craig knew that his love for Doctor Who would never fade. As he sat in his room, surrounded by Doctor Who posters and action figures, he smiled to himself and said, Allons-y!


  • Adventure
  • Reality
  • Doctor Who
  • Conventions
  • Action figures

In conclusion, Craig's obsession with Doctor Who led him on an adventure of a lifetime. He may not have met the real Doctor, but he found his own TARDIS and lived out his dream. Craig's humorous voice and tone made his story even more entertaining to listen to.

So Long, Farewell, Craig Doctor Who!

Well, folks, it’s time to wrap up our discussion on Craig, the lovable and hilarious companion from Doctor Who. We’ve covered his best moments, his funniest lines, and his unique relationship with the Doctor. But before we bid him adieu, let’s take a moment to reflect on all the joy he brought us.

First off, let’s talk about Craig’s sense of humor. From his awkward attempts at flirting to his ridiculous dance moves, Craig always had us in stitches. He brought a much-needed comedic relief to some of the show’s darker moments, and we’ll forever be grateful for that.

But Craig wasn’t just a one-trick pony. He also had a heart of gold and a deep love for his family. His determination to protect his son from harm was admirable, and his unwavering loyalty to the Doctor was touching. Craig reminded us that even in the midst of intergalactic chaos, it’s the relationships we form that matter most.

Speaking of relationships, let’s talk about Craig’s dynamic with the Doctor. These two were quite the odd couple, but their friendship was undeniable. The Doctor’s exasperation with Craig’s bumbling antics was always entertaining, and Craig’s willingness to call out the Time Lord on his nonsense was refreshing.

Another thing we loved about Craig was his relatability. He wasn’t a superhero or a genius scientist – he was just an average guy trying to navigate life. We saw ourselves in his struggles to balance work and family, and we rooted for him when he finally found his footing.

Now, we can’t talk about Craig without mentioning his iconic “stormageddon” moment. Who could forget the sight of Craig in full dad-mode, carrying his baby son and shouting “Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All” at a horde of Cybermen? It was a moment of pure comedic genius, and we’ll be quoting it for years to come.

But all good things must come to an end, and Craig’s time on Doctor Who was no exception. We may never know what happened to him after the Doctor dropped him off at home for the final time, but we like to think that he went on to live a happy, normal life – with occasional visits from his eccentric Time Lord friend, of course.

As we say goodbye to Craig, we’re left with a sense of nostalgia for the simpler times of Doctor Who. Craig represented a return to the show’s roots – a focus on character and humor over convoluted plots and epic battles. And while we love the show in all its forms, we’ll always have a special place in our hearts for Craig.

So long, farewell, Craig Doctor Who. You may have been just a blip in the grand scheme of the show, but you left a lasting impression on our hearts.

People Also Ask About Craig Doctor Who

Who is Craig from Doctor Who?

Craig Owens, played by James Corden, is a recurring character in the British science fiction television series Doctor Who. He first appeared in the episode The Lodger in 2010 and later returned in Closing Time in 2011.

What is Craig's relationship with the Doctor?

Craig is a friend of the Doctor and has a close relationship with him. In The Lodger, the Doctor becomes Craig's flatmate and helps him solve a mystery. In Closing Time, the Doctor returns to visit Craig and his baby son, Alfie.

Why do fans love Craig?

Craig is a beloved character among Doctor Who fans because of his humor and relatability. His awkwardness and everyday struggles make him a relatable character, and his banter with the Doctor is always entertaining.

Will Craig return to Doctor Who?

There are no current plans for Craig to return to Doctor Who, but fans are always hopeful for his return. James Corden has expressed interest in returning to the show, so there's always a possibility.

What is Craig's funniest moment on Doctor Who?

There are many funny moments involving Craig, but one of the most memorable is in Closing Time when he tries to convince the Doctor that he's a responsible parent. He tells the Doctor that he's learned how to change nappies (diapers) quickly and efficiently, only to have Alfie projectile vomit all over him moments later.

  • Craig is a fan-favorite character in Doctor Who.
  • He is a friend of the Doctor and has a close relationship with him.
  • Craig's relatable nature and humor make him a beloved character among fans.
  • Although there are no current plans for his return, James Corden has expressed interest in returning to the show.
  • Craig's funniest moment is when he tries to prove his parenting skills, only to have Alfie vomit all over him.