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Enhance Your Dr Who Experience with Hilarious Rifftrax Commentary!

Dr Who Rifftrax

Get ready for hilarious commentary on the iconic British sci-fi series with Dr Who Rifftrax! Join Mike, Kevin and Bill for a timey-wimey adventure.

Are you a fan of Dr. Who? Do you find yourself wishing you could experience the show in a new and hilarious way? Look no further than Dr. Who Rifftrax! This comedic commentary track is the perfect addition to any episode of the beloved sci-fi series. Not only will it have you laughing out loud, but it will also provide a fresh perspective on the show you thought you knew so well.

First of all, let's talk about the genius behind Rifftrax. The team consists of some of the funniest people in the business, including Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett. These guys know how to deliver a joke, and they do it with a style and flair that is all their own. Their ability to riff on even the most serious of subjects is truly impressive, and it makes for an unforgettable viewing experience.

But what about Dr. Who specifically? Well, the Rifftrax crew has tackled several episodes of the show, and each one is a gem in its own right. Whether they're making fun of the outdated special effects or poking fun at the Doctor's questionable fashion sense, these guys know how to make every moment count. And the best part? Even if you've seen the episodes a hundred times before, you'll still find something new to laugh at when you watch them with Rifftrax.

One thing to note is that Rifftrax isn't just for die-hard fans of Dr. Who. Even if you've never seen an episode before, you'll still be able to enjoy the witty commentary. In fact, some might argue that it's even better if you're not familiar with the show, as you'll be able to appreciate the jokes without any preconceived notions getting in the way. So don't be afraid to give it a try, even if you're a complete newcomer to the world of the Doctor.

Another great thing about Rifftrax is that it's not just limited to Dr. Who. The team has riffed on everything from classic movies like The Princess Bride to modern blockbusters like The Avengers. No matter what your interests are, chances are there's a Rifftrax track out there that will tickle your funny bone. And if you're a fan of multiple franchises, you'll be happy to know that Rifftrax also offers crossover events, where characters from different shows and movies come together for one hilarious commentary track.

If you're worried about the quality of the commentary itself, fear not. Rifftrax is known for its high production values and top-notch writing. The team puts in a lot of effort to make sure that every joke lands, and they're not afraid to do multiple takes or rewrites until they get it just right. This dedication to their craft is evident in every track they release, and it's one of the reasons why they've amassed such a loyal following over the years.

Of course, like any comedic endeavor, Rifftrax is not without its detractors. Some people feel that the commentary can be too distracting and takes away from the original material. Others argue that it's disrespectful to the creators of the show or movie being riffed on. While these are certainly valid concerns, it's worth noting that Rifftrax is always done with love. The team clearly has a deep affection for Dr. Who and all the other properties they've riffed on, and their goal is never to tear them down or belittle them. Rather, they want to celebrate them in their own unique way.

So if you're looking for a new way to experience Dr. Who, or if you just want a good laugh, give Rifftrax a try. You won't regret it!


Ah, Doctor Who. The beloved sci-fi series that has been entertaining audiences for over five decades. It's got everything – time travel, aliens, adventures through space and time, and of course, the Doctor himself. But have you ever watched an episode of Doctor Who and thought, This could use some hilarious commentary? Well, fear not, my friends, because there is a solution to your problem – Dr Who Rifftrax.

What is Dr Who Rifftrax?

For those who are unfamiliar with the concept, Rifftrax is a website that provides comedic commentary tracks to play along with movies and TV shows. Think of it as Mystery Science Theater 3000 for the modern age. And one of their most popular offerings is their collection of Dr Who Rifftrax.

The Rifftrax Team

The Rifftrax team is made up of some of the funniest people in the business, including Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett – all of whom were part of the original Mystery Science Theater 3000 cast. They bring their unique brand of humor to each episode of Doctor Who they riff on, making even the slowest and most boring episodes hilarious.

Why Dr Who Rifftrax is Awesome

So, what makes Dr Who Rifftrax so great? Well, for starters, it takes a show that already has a dedicated fanbase and adds a new layer of entertainment to it. You can watch your favorite episodes of Doctor Who and laugh along with the Rifftrax team as they make fun of everything from the cheesy special effects to the Doctor's questionable fashion choices.

It Makes Bad Episodes Good

Let's face it – not every episode of Doctor Who is a masterpiece. Some are downright terrible. But with the help of the Rifftrax team, even the worst episodes become a joy to watch. They point out all the plot holes, inconsistencies, and just plain silly moments, turning what would be a painful viewing experience into a hilarious one.

It Adds New Jokes to Classic Episodes

Even if you've seen every episode of Doctor Who multiple times, watching them with Rifftrax is like watching them for the first time. The Rifftrax team adds new jokes and commentary that you may have never thought of before. They also point out things you may have missed on previous viewings, making each episode even more enjoyable.

How to Enjoy Dr Who Rifftrax

So, how can you enjoy Dr Who Rifftrax? Well, the easiest way is to go to the Rifftrax website and purchase the episodes you want to watch. They offer a wide selection of classic Doctor Who episodes, as well as some of the newer ones. You can even download the episodes and watch them offline, so you don't need an internet connection to enjoy them.

Throw a Rifftrax Party

Another fun way to enjoy Dr Who Rifftrax is to throw a Rifftrax party. Invite your friends over, pick out a few episodes to watch, and let the laughter begin. It's a great way to spend a Saturday night, and you'll have plenty of inside jokes to share with your friends for weeks to come.

Make it a Drinking Game

If you really want to up the ante, turn your Rifftrax party into a drinking game. Take a drink every time the Rifftrax team makes a reference to another sci-fi show, or every time they make a joke about the Doctor's sonic screwdriver. Just be careful not to overdo it – you don't want to end up with a hangover the next day.


In conclusion, Dr Who Rifftrax is a must-see for any Doctor Who fan. It adds a new level of humor and entertainment to an already beloved show, making even the worst episodes enjoyable. So, grab some popcorn, gather your friends, and prepare to laugh your way through time and space with the Rifftrax team and the Doctor.

Dr Who Rifftrax: Making Time Travel More Hilarious

Step inside the TARDIS, the iconic time and space vehicle, smaller on the outside, but funnier on the inside. When it comes to Dr Who, we all know that time travel can be dangerous, but with the help of Rifftrax, it can also be downright hilarious. So grab your sonic screwdriver, your favorite companion, and let's dive into some of the best moments of Rifftrax's take on Dr Who.

The Daleks: Ultimate Killing Machines or the Ultimate Butt of Jokes?

The Daleks, the Doctor's arch-nemesis, are known for their ruthless and relentless pursuit of universal domination. But let's be real, they're also pretty funny-looking. With their plunger arms and pepperpot-shaped bodies, it's hard not to make a joke or two. Rifftrax takes full advantage of this, poking fun at their design and the over-the-top threats they make. Who knew that the Daleks could be so entertaining?

The Sonic Screwdriver: Trusty Tool or Excuse for Lazy Writing?

The Doctor's trusty sonic screwdriver has been a staple of the show since the beginning, and it's no wonder why. It can do just about anything, from unlocking doors to hacking into alien technology. But sometimes, it feels like the writers use it as an easy way out of a plot hole. Rifftrax doesn't hold back when it comes to making fun of the sonic screwdriver's seemingly endless capabilities. But hey, if it means we get to see the Doctor save the day in a cool way, who are we to complain?

Companion Chemistry: Rose and the Doctor, Clara and the Doctor, or Rory and the Doctor's Stern Disapproval?

The Doctor has had many companions throughout his travels, and each one brings their own unique chemistry to the show. From Rose Tyler's spunky attitude to Clara Oswald's quick wit, the Doctor has definitely had his fair share of memorable partners. But let's not forget about Rory Williams, who always seemed to be on the receiving end of the Doctor's stern disapproval. Rifftrax doesn't shy away from poking fun at the various dynamics between the Doctor and his companions, and we're all better for it.

The Master: Evil Time Lord or Guy Who Just Needs a Hug?

The Master, the Doctor's longtime frenemy, is known for his diabolical plans and evil schemes. But maybe he's just misunderstood? Rifftrax takes a more lighthearted approach to the Master, making jokes about his flamboyant outfits and tendency to monologue. Maybe all the Master needs is a hug?

The Weeping Angels: Terrifying Enemy or Hilarious Game of Statue?

The Weeping Angels are one of the most terrifying enemies the Doctor has ever faced. These stone statues come to life when you're not looking and send shivers down your spine. But what if they were just playing a game of statue? Rifftrax takes this idea and runs with it, making jokes about the Weeping Angels' lack of coordination and how awkward it must be when they accidentally catch someone's eye.

Regenerations: Appearance Changes or Endless Bad Jokes?

When the Doctor regenerates, he not only changes his appearance but also his personality. It's a chance for the show to reinvent itself and keep things fresh. But let's be real, it's also an excuse for endless bad jokes. Rifftrax takes full advantage of this, making quips about the Doctor's new outfits and how long it takes for him to adjust to his new body.

Classic vs. New Who: Charming Cheese or Flashy Over-the-Top Action?

Dr Who has been on the air since 1963, and over the years, it's gone through many changes. Some fans prefer the charming cheese of the classic series, while others love the flashy, over-the-top action of the newer era. Rifftrax doesn't take sides but instead makes fun of both, highlighting the best (and worst) moments of both eras.

Timey-Wimey: Clever Plot Device or Phrase That Should Have Never Left the Lips of the Tenth Doctor?

The Tenth Doctor famously coined the phrase timey-wimey, which has become a catchphrase of the show. But is it a clever plot device that adds depth to the show, or is it a phrase that should have never left the lips of the Tenth Doctor? Rifftrax takes a more lighthearted approach, poking fun at the phrase and its overuse in the show.

A Future Without the Doctor: Dalek, Cyberman, or Cucumber?

If the Doctor were to regenerate into something non-human, what would he become? A Dalek, a Cyberman, or dare we say it, a cucumber? Rifftrax takes this idea and runs with it, making jokes about the Doctor's potential new form and how he would navigate the universe without arms or legs.

Overall, Rifftrax's take on Dr Who is a hilarious addition to the show. It's a chance to laugh at some of the show's most iconic moments and characters while still appreciating the timey-wimey goodness that makes Dr Who so beloved. So grab your favorite scarf, put on your fez, and get ready for a journey through time and space that's sure to make you laugh.

The Hilarious Adventures of Dr Who Rifftrax

What is Dr Who Rifftrax?

If you're a fan of classic Doctor Who episodes, then you've probably heard of Rifftrax. It's a comedy commentary track that accompanies the original episode, poking fun at the cheesy special effects, ridiculous plot lines and over-the-top acting. Dr Who Rifftrax is the Doctor Who version of this hilarious format, featuring some of the most iconic episodes from the 60s, 70s and 80s with added commentary from some of the funniest comedians around.

The Time Lord Meets the Comedians

Imagine watching your favourite Doctor Who episode with some of the funniest people on the planet. That's exactly what you get with Dr Who Rifftrax. The likes of Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy and Bill Corbett, all well-known for their work on Mystery Science Theater 3000, provide the witty commentary that makes these classic episodes even more entertaining. They poke fun at everything from the dodgy special effects to the questionable fashion choices of the actors, all while still showing a deep love and respect for the show.

Why You Should Watch Dr Who Rifftrax

If you're a fan of Doctor Who, then you'll love the opportunity to revisit some of the most iconic episodes from the classic series. But even if you're not a die-hard Whovian, there's still plenty to enjoy with Dr Who Rifftrax. The commentary is hilarious, with jokes and one-liners coming thick and fast. And it's not just the comedians that are funny - the original episodes themselves are often unintentionally hilarious, making them the perfect target for some good-natured ribbing.


  • Dr Who Rifftrax
  • Comedy commentary
  • Classic Doctor Who episodes
  • Funny comedians
  • Mystery Science Theater 3000
  • Iconic episodes
  • Witty commentary
  • Hilarious jokes
  • Unintentionally funny

The Verdict

If you're looking for a fun and lighthearted way to revisit some of your favourite Doctor Who episodes, then Dr Who Rifftrax is definitely worth checking out. The commentary is witty, the jokes are hilarious and the whole experience is just a lot of fun. So why not grab some popcorn, settle in for a night of classic Doctor Who and get ready to laugh until your sides hurt!

The TARDIS is calling, but not before we Riff!

Well, my dear Whovians, it's time to say goodbye. But before you go, let me leave you with a little parting gift: the wonderful world of Dr. Who Rifftrax!

For those of you who haven't heard of it (and shame on you if you haven't), Dr. Who Rifftrax is a comedic commentary track that can be synced up with your favorite episodes of Doctor Who. It's like having Mystery Science Theater 3000 in your living room, but with Daleks and Cybermen instead of cheesy B-movies.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking: But isn't Doctor Who already funny? Yes, it is. But trust me, it's even funnier when you add in the hilarious commentary of the Rifftrax crew.

Take, for example, their riff on The Time of Angels. As the Weeping Angels start to close in on the Doctor and his companions, Mike Nelson quips, They're like the Statue of Liberty, only they move and kill you! It's moments like these that make the Rifftrax experience so much fun.

Of course, not every episode of Doctor Who is ripe for riffing. Some are just too good on their own (looking at you, Blink). But for the ones that do lend themselves to comedic commentary, Dr. Who Rifftrax is an absolute blast.

And let's not forget about the Rifftrax Live events, where you can watch a special screening of a Doctor Who episode with the Rifftrax crew providing their signature wisecracks. It's like being part of a live studio audience, only you don't have to worry about getting dressed up or laughing on cue.

So, in conclusion, if you're a fan of Doctor Who and you haven't checked out Dr. Who Rifftrax yet, what are you waiting for? The TARDIS is calling, but not before we Riff!

Stay nerdy, my friends.

People Also Ask About Dr Who Rifftrax

What is a Rifftrax?

A Rifftrax is a comedic audio commentary that can be synced up with a movie or TV show. The commentators, known as the Rifftrax crew, make humorous observations, jokes, and comments throughout the film.

Who are the Rifftrax crew?

The Rifftrax crew is made up of Michael J. Nelson, Kevin Murphy, and Bill Corbett, who are all former writers and stars of the popular TV show Mystery Science Theater 3000 (MST3K).

What is Dr Who Rifftrax?

Dr Who Rifftrax is a series of audio commentaries that can be synced up with episodes of the long-running British sci-fi TV show Doctor Who. The Rifftrax crew provides their trademark brand of humor and commentary as viewers watch the Doctor and his companions travel through time and space.

Is Dr Who Rifftrax appropriate for all ages?

While Rifftrax is generally geared towards adult audiences, Dr Who Rifftrax is relatively family-friendly and appropriate for all ages. The Rifftrax crew keeps their humor clean and avoids any content that may be inappropriate for younger viewers.

Where can I find Dr Who Rifftrax?

Dr Who Rifftrax can be purchased and downloaded from the official Rifftrax website. Viewers can choose to download individual episodes or purchase a collection of episodes at a discounted price.

Will watching Dr Who Rifftrax spoil the original show?

While Dr Who Rifftrax does provide commentary and jokes throughout the show, it typically does not spoil major plot points or storylines. However, viewers who are watching the show for the first time may want to watch a few episodes without the Rifftrax commentary to get a better understanding of the show's characters and universe before diving into the Rifftrax version.

Is Dr Who Rifftrax worth watching?

Absolutely! Dr Who Rifftrax is a hilarious way to enjoy one of the most beloved sci-fi shows of all time. The Rifftrax crew brings their unique brand of humor and insight to each episode, making even the most serious moments of the show laugh-out-loud funny.