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Discover the Ultimate Guide to Doctor Who: The Inforarium for Fans!

Doctor Who Inforarium

Discover the ultimate source of Doctor Who knowledge with Inforarium. Get all the latest news, trivia, and behind-the-scenes content in one place.

Welcome to the Doctor Who Inforarium, where we dive deep into the world of the Time Lord and all of his adventures through time and space. If you're a Whovian, you know that the Doctor is more than just a character on a TV show - he's a cultural icon, a hero, and a symbol of hope for fans all over the world. And with over 50 years of history behind him, there's no shortage of material to explore.

But where to begin? From the classic series to the modern era, there are countless episodes, spin-offs, books, and comics to choose from. It can be overwhelming, even for the most dedicated fans. That's why we've created the Doctor Who Inforarium - your ultimate guide to everything Doctor Who.

Whether you're a seasoned Whovian or a newcomer to the TARDIS, we've got you covered. We'll take you on a journey through time and space, exploring the Doctor's many regenerations, his companions, his enemies, and his most iconic moments. We'll delve into the lore and mythology of the series, uncovering hidden references and Easter eggs that even the most die-hard fans may have missed.

But this isn't just a dry encyclopedia of Doctor Who facts and figures. We're here to have fun, too. So expect plenty of jokes, puns, and irreverent commentary along the way. After all, the Doctor himself is known for his wit and sense of humor, so it's only fitting that we follow in his footsteps.

So buckle up, Whovians, and get ready for the ride of your life. We'll be exploring the far reaches of the universe, encountering Daleks, Cybermen, and all manner of strange and wondrous creatures along the way. We'll be reliving some of the series' most poignant moments, from the Doctor's first regeneration to his epic battle against the Time Lords in The Day of the Doctor.

But we won't just be looking at the TV show. We'll also be exploring the expanded universe of Doctor Who, from Big Finish audio dramas to comics and novels. We'll introduce you to some of the lesser-known corners of the Whoniverse, like the Faction Paradox or the Celestial Toymaker.

And of course, we'll be taking a closer look at the Doctor himself - his various personalities, his quirks and idiosyncrasies, and what makes him such an enduring and beloved character. We'll explore his relationships with his companions, from Sarah Jane Smith to Rose Tyler to Clara Oswald, and examine how they've shaped his character over the years.

So join us on this journey through time and space, as we explore the world of Doctor Who in all its glory. Whether you're a fan of the classic series or the modern era, there's something here for everyone. So grab your sonic screwdriver and let's get started!

Oh, and by the way - if you don't know what a sonic screwdriver is, you're definitely in the right place.

The Ultimate Guide to the Doctor Who Inforarium

Are you a fan of Doctor Who? Do you love exploring the depths of the Whoniverse and uncovering all sorts of facts and trivia about the show? Well, have I got a treat for you! The Doctor Who Inforarium is the ultimate resource for all things Time Lord-related, and it's packed full of fascinating information that will leave even the most hardcore fans in awe. So, let's take a closer look at this incredible website and see what it has to offer.

A Brief Overview

The Doctor Who Inforarium is essentially a massive database of information about the show. It covers everything from the classic series to the current incarnation, and it includes details about characters, episodes, and even behind-the-scenes tidbits. The site is divided into different sections, each of which focuses on a specific aspect of the show. For example, there's a section about the Doctor's companions, another about the various monsters and villains he's faced over the years, and even one dedicated to the TARDIS itself. No matter what aspect of the show you're interested in, you're sure to find something fascinating on the Inforarium.

Exploring the Sections

One of the best things about the Doctor Who Inforarium is how easy it is to navigate. Each section is clearly marked and organized, so you can quickly find what you're looking for. Let's take a look at some of the highlights of each section:


This section is all about the Doctor's various companions over the years. You can browse through profiles of each companion, learn about their backstories, and even read quotes from the episodes they appeared in. There's also a handy timeline that shows when each companion traveled with the Doctor, so you can see how they all fit together. Plus, there's a section dedicated to the Doctor's current companion, with information about her backstory and adventures so far.

Monsters and Villains

This section is where you'll find information about all the iconic monsters and villains from the show. From the Daleks to the Cybermen to the Weeping Angels, there's tons of information about each creature, including their origins, powers, and weaknesses. There are also detailed profiles of some of the show's most memorable villains, like the Master and Davros. And if you're curious about the various alien races that have appeared on the show, there's a section for that too!


The episode section is where you'll find information about each individual episode of the show. You can browse through summaries of each episode, learn about the main plot points, and even read quotes from the episode. There are also behind-the-scenes tidbits, like which episodes were the most expensive to produce and which ones had the most special effects. Plus, there's a section with information about the show's special episodes, like Christmas specials and anniversary episodes.


Of course, no Doctor Who Inforarium would be complete without a section dedicated to the TARDIS! This section is all about the Doctor's iconic time machine, from its origins to its unique features to its various incarnations over the years. There are also detailed profiles of some of the TARDIS's most memorable moments, like when it was disguised as a police box or when it was stuck in a time loop. And if you're curious about the Doctor's relationship with his beloved ship, there's plenty of information about that too!

Behind the Scenes

If you're interested in the production side of Doctor Who, the Behind the Scenes section is a must-visit. Here, you'll find all sorts of information about how the show is made, from the writing process to the special effects to the casting of the actors. There are also interviews with the show's creators and crew members, so you can get an inside look at how everything comes together. Plus, there's a section about the show's music, including profiles of the various composers who have worked on the show over the years.

Additional Features

Aside from the main sections, the Doctor Who Inforarium also has some additional features that are worth checking out. For example, there's a section that lists all the Doctor's regenerations and the actors who played him, as well as a section that explores the various timelines and alternate universes that have been featured on the show. There's also a section where you can test your Doctor Who knowledge with quizzes and trivia challenges!

Final Thoughts

Overall, the Doctor Who Inforarium is an incredibly comprehensive and fascinating resource for any Doctor Who fan. Whether you're a longtime Whovian or a newcomer to the show, there's something here for everyone. So, if you haven't checked it out yet, what are you waiting for? Grab your sonic screwdriver and dive into the Whoniverse!

The Doctor Who Inforarium: Exploring the Wibbly-Wobbly World of Time and Space

Are you ready to take a journey through time and space? Then step inside the TARDIS, but be warned - it's bigger on the inside and presumably cursed for all eternity. But don't worry, you're in good hands with the Doctor, a time-traveling hero (or just a really lucky alien with a cool coat, depending on who you ask).

Cybermen and Daleks and Sonic Screwdrivers, Oh My!

As you explore the Doctor Who Inforarium, you'll come across some familiar faces (or rather, metal monstrosities) like the Cybermen - not the kind of metal guys you want to meet at a party. And then there are the Daleks, the ultimate in space-faring villains, with plungers for arms. But fear not, the Doctor always has his trusty sonic screwdriver at the ready - though whether it's a handy tool or an overpowered MacGuffin is up for debate.

River Song and Time Lords and Companions, Oh My!

Of course, no journey through time and space would be complete without some beloved characters like River Song - the woman who can't stop teasing the Doctor, but we love her anyway. And let's not forget the Time Lords - it's like being a wizard, but with more rules and exiles. And then there are the companions - sure, they might be in constant mortal danger, but at least they get to see the universe.

Regeneration and the Future: Where Doctor Who Has Been Going for Over 50 Years

One of the most unique aspects of Doctor Who is regeneration - the closest thing to reincarnation that you can find in a TV show. And with over 50 years of history, Doctor Who has been going strong for quite some time - and shows no signs of stopping! So come on in and explore the wibbly-wobbly world of time and space with us.

Overall, the Doctor Who Inforarium is a must-see for any fan of the show - or anyone who just wants to explore a fascinating and endlessly entertaining universe. So come on in, grab your sonic screwdriver, and let's get ready for an adventure!

The Doctor Who Inforarium: A Humorous Journey Through Time and Space

The Premise

Imagine a museum, but instead of boring exhibits about historical events or famous people, it's all about Doctor Who. That's the Doctor Who Inforarium. It's a place where fans can come and immerse themselves in all things Whovian.

As you enter the Inforarium, you're greeted by a life-sized TARDIS. It looks like the real thing, but unfortunately, it doesn't actually travel through time and space. Trust me, I tried.

The Exhibits

There are so many exhibits in the Inforarium, it's hard to know where to start. Here are just a few:

  1. Companion Chronicles: This exhibit features interactive displays about all of the Doctor's companions throughout the years. You can learn about their backstories, see their costumes, and even take a selfie with a life-sized cardboard cutout of your favorite companion.
  2. The Dalek Room: Enter at your own risk. This room is filled with all different types of Daleks. There's even a replica of the original Dalek from the very first episode of Doctor Who. Don't worry, they're all deactivated... I think.
  3. Sonic Screwdriver Workshop: Have you ever wanted to build your own sonic screwdriver? Now you can! This exhibit lets you design and create your own sonic screwdriver. Just don't blame me if it explodes in your hand.
  4. The Time Vortex: Step inside the vortex and experience what it's like to travel through time and space. Warning: may cause dizziness and/or time sickness.

The Gift Shop

No trip to a museum is complete without a visit to the gift shop, and the Doctor Who Inforarium is no exception. Here are some of the items you can purchase:

  • Sonic Screwdriver: A replica of the Doctor's trusty tool. Choose from the Tenth, Eleventh, or Twelfth Doctor's screwdriver.
  • TARDIS Mug: Start your day off right with a cup of tea in this TARDIS-shaped mug.
  • K-9 Plush Toy: Take home your very own robotic dog, without all the mess.
  • Dalek Salt and Pepper Shakers: Add some spice to your meals with these Dalek-shaped shakers.

My Experience

As a die-hard Doctor Who fan, I absolutely loved the Inforarium. It was so much fun to immerse myself in the world of the Doctor and see all the exhibits. The Sonic Screwdriver Workshop was definitely my favorite part. I may or may not have spent hours trying to perfect my design.

If you're a Doctor Who fan, the Inforarium is a must-visit. Just be careful in the Dalek Room. You never know when they might come to life.


  • Doctor Who
  • Inforarium
  • Companions
  • Daleks
  • Sonic Screwdriver
  • Time Vortex
  • Gift Shop

So Long and Thanks for All the Wibbly Wobbly Timey Wimey Information!

Congratulations! You've made it to the end of the Doctor Who Inforarium, the ultimate source of information for all Whovians out there! You must be feeling quite accomplished right now, and we can't blame you. After all, it takes a lot of dedication, patience, and possibly a TARDIS or two to get through all the quirky and mind-bending adventures of the Doctor and his companions.

We hope that this blog has been a valuable resource for you in your timey-wimey travels. From exploring the origins of the show and its iconic characters to delving into the complex mythology and fan theories, we've tried our best to cover as much ground as possible.

Of course, there's always more to discover in the vast universe of Doctor Who, and we encourage you to keep exploring on your own. Who knows, you might uncover some hidden gem or easter egg that we missed!

But before we bid you farewell, we'd like to leave you with a few parting words of wisdom (or perhaps just some silly musings) that we've gleaned from our own experiences with the show:

Firstly, never underestimate the power of a good sonic screwdriver. Whether you need to hack a computer, open a door, or just look cool, this trusty gadget is the ultimate multi-tool for any situation.

Secondly, always be ready for the unexpected. With Doctor Who, you never know what kind of adventure or danger might be lurking around the corner. So keep your wits about you, and don't be afraid to improvise when things get crazy.

Thirdly, embrace your inner geekiness. Let's face it, being a Doctor Who fan isn't always the most mainstream or socially accepted thing. But who cares? Whether you're into cosplay, fan fiction, or just obsessively re-watching your favorite episodes, don't be ashamed to let your Whovian flag fly high!

Finally, remember that at the heart of Doctor Who is a message of hope, compassion, and bravery. The Doctor may be a quirky and sometimes infuriating character, but he (or she) always stands up for what's right and fights for the underdogs. So take inspiration from his example, and be the hero of your own story.

With that, we'll leave you to your adventures in time and space. Thank you for joining us on this journey through the Doctor Who Inforarium, and we hope to see you again soon. Until then, keep calm, and Allons-y!

People Also Ask About Doctor Who Inforarium

What is Doctor Who Inforarium?

Doctor Who Inforarium is a website that provides all the information about the popular British science fiction series, Doctor Who. It includes details about each episode, characters, and the actors who played them.

Is Doctor Who Inforarium reliable?

Of course! We take our Doctor Who knowledge very seriously here at Inforarium. Our team of experts spends countless hours researching and fact-checking to ensure that all the information provided is accurate.

What can I find on Doctor Who Inforarium that I can't find elsewhere?

Well, for starters, we have a section dedicated to the Doctor's fashion sense. Yes, you read that right. We know that the Doctor's wardrobe is just as important as the TARDIS, so we've got you covered with all the latest fashion trends from Gallifrey.

Can I contribute to Doctor Who Inforarium?

Absolutely! We welcome all Doctor Who fans to share their knowledge and passion for the show. Just head over to our Contribute page and submit your article or idea.

Why is Doctor Who Inforarium so awesome?

Well, that's a no-brainer. It's because we're run by Whovians, for Whovians. We understand the importance of having a reliable source for all things Doctor Who, and we're dedicated to providing the best information possible. Plus, we've got a great sense of humor, which never hurts.

  • So, if you're looking for a place to geek out about Doctor Who,
  • Or just want to impress your friends with your Time Lord knowledge,
  • Check out Doctor Who Inforarium today!