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Unveiling the Mystery: The Truth About Who Killed Tsunade finally Revealed

Who Killed Tsunade

Discover the mystery behind the death of Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage in the Naruto series. Can you solve the case?

Who Killed Tsunade? That's the question on the minds of Naruto fans everywhere. Was it Orochimaru seeking revenge? Perhaps it was Danzo, trying to eliminate any threat to his power. Or maybe, just maybe, it was one of Tsunade's own students, seeking to take her place as Hokage.

But before we delve into the potential suspects, let's back up a bit. For those unfamiliar with the Naruto series, Tsunade was the Fifth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village. She was a powerful ninja and skilled medical ninja who held the village together during some of its darkest moments.

So, who would want to kill such a beloved leader? Let's start with Orochimaru, who has a long-standing grudge against Tsunade. After all, she did reject his offer to join forces with him and Kabuto. Plus, she played a role in stopping his plans to destroy the Leaf Village.

But could it be someone closer to home? Like Danzo, who always seemed to have an ulterior motive and saw Tsunade as a threat to his own power. He did, after all, try to steal the Hokage position from her by any means necessary.

Or maybe it was one of Tsunade's former students, seeking to take her place as Hokage. Naruto, Sakura, and even Sasuke could have had a hand in her demise. They all had their own reasons for wanting to become Hokage and may have seen Tsunade as an obstacle in their path.

Of course, we can't discount the possibility that Tsunade died of natural causes. After all, she was getting up there in age, and being a ninja takes a toll on the body. But where's the fun in that?

So, what do we know for sure? Unfortunately, not much. Tsunade's death has never been confirmed in the Naruto series. In fact, she's still alive and kicking in the Boruto sequel series. But that doesn't stop fans from speculating and theorizing about what could have happened.

One popular theory is that Tsunade faked her death to go into hiding. After all, she's had experience with this before when she left the village after Danzo's takeover. Maybe she saw something coming and decided to disappear for a while.

Another possibility is that Tsunade was simply too powerful for anyone to take down. She was known for her incredible strength and healing abilities, and maybe she was just too much for any would-be assassin to handle.

Or maybe, just maybe, Tsunade is immortal. It's not unheard of in the Naruto universe, with characters like Kaguya and Otsutsuki being essentially unkillable. Maybe Tsunade is in the same boat.

So, who killed Tsunade? We may never know for sure. But one thing's for certain: her legacy lives on in the hearts of Naruto fans everywhere.


Tsunade is one of the most beloved characters in the Naruto series. She's a badass ninja, a great leader, and a compassionate person. So, when news broke that Tsunade had been killed, fans were devastated. Who could have done such a thing? As it turns out, there are a few suspects.

The Akatsuki

The Akatsuki are a group of powerful, rogue ninja who seek to capture all of the tailed beasts. They're known for their brutal tactics and willingness to kill anyone who gets in their way. It's possible that they could have targeted Tsunade as part of their plan to capture the Nine-Tails. However, it seems unlikely that they would go after such a high-profile target, as it would draw a lot of attention to their activities.


Orochimaru is a former member of the Hidden Leaf Village who turned against his own people in pursuit of power. He's known for his experiments on humans and his desire to become immortal. It's possible that he targeted Tsunade as revenge for her role in his defeat during the Fourth Great Ninja War. However, Orochimaru has never shown an interest in killing Tsunade specifically, and he's been focused on other projects in recent years.

Konoha Traitor

There have been rumors of a traitor within the Hidden Leaf Village for years. This person is believed to be working with outside forces to undermine the village's stability. It's possible that this traitor targeted Tsunade as a way to weaken the village's leadership. However, there's no concrete evidence that such a person even exists, let alone that they would have the ability to take out Tsunade.

Accidental Death

As much as we hate to admit it, sometimes accidents happen. It's possible that Tsunade simply died of natural causes or was the victim of an accident. Maybe she fell down some stairs or had a heart attack. This would be a tragic end for such a beloved character, but it's not outside the realm of possibility.


This is a dark possibility, but we can't rule it out entirely. Tsunade has had a lot of loss and trauma in her life, including the deaths of her brother and lover. She's also struggled with alcoholism and depression. It's possible that she took her own life as a way to escape her pain. However, given Tsunade's strength and resilience, this seems unlikely.


Sometimes things aren't as they seem. Perhaps Tsunade wasn't actually killed, but was instead mistaken for someone else. It's possible that someone else was the intended target, and Tsunade was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. This would be a relief for fans, but it's also a bit of a cop-out.

Plot Device

Let's face it, sometimes characters die simply because the plot demands it. Maybe the writers felt that Tsunade's death would add drama and emotional weight to the story. It's not a satisfying explanation, but it's possible that there was no real reason behind Tsunade's demise other than to advance the plot.


In the end, we may never know who killed Tsunade. It's possible that the writers will reveal the truth in a future chapter or episode, but until then, we can only speculate. Regardless of who was responsible, Tsunade's death has left a void in the Naruto series that will be difficult to fill. Rest in peace, Tsunade. You will be missed.

The Mysterious Disappearance of the Fifth HokageIt's been weeks since Tsunade vanished into thin air, leaving everyone scratching their heads and wondering where she could have gone. The ninja world is full of rumors and speculations about what happened to her. Did she run away to join the circus? Did she elope to a secret ninja village? Or did someone do away with her? One thing is for sure, the mystery surrounding her disappearance is driving everyone crazy.The Prime Suspect – JiraiyaJiraiya is known for his womanizing ways, but did he take his obsession with Tsunade too far? He was always trying to win her heart, but perhaps he was tired of getting rejected and decided to silence her once and for all. It's not like he hasn't done it before. After all, he was the one who killed Orochimaru. But would he really go that far for love?The Accidental Killer – Naruto UzumakiWe all know Naruto means well, but sometimes his enthusiasm gets the best of him. Maybe he wanted to surprise Tsunade with a special jutsu, but ended up blasting her into oblivion instead. Knowing Naruto, he probably feels terrible about it and is hiding somewhere in shame. But if this is true, how will he ever be able to forgive himself?The Secret Rival – OrochimaruOrochimaru has always been a shady character, and he has a history of betraying those closest to him. Could it be that he finally got his revenge on his former teammate? Tsunade was always a thorn in his side, and maybe he saw an opportunity to get rid of her. But then again, he's been lying low lately, so maybe he's not the culprit after all.The Power-Hungry Villain – Madara UchihaMadara Uchiha is no stranger to violence and destruction. Perhaps he saw Tsunade as a threat to his grand plans and decided to eliminate her. He's been known to be ruthless and cunning, so it's not impossible. But then again, he's been dead for a while now, so it's unlikely that he's the one responsible.The Ninja Copycat – Kakashi HatakeKakashi may be a copycat ninja, but did he take things too far by stealing Tsunade's life? Maybe he figured that taking on her identity was the only way to get ahead in the world. After all, being Hokage comes with a lot of power and prestige. But then again, Kakashi has always been a loyal friend and ally, so it's hard to believe he would do something like this.The Jealous Lover – Dan KatoTsunade's former flame, Dan, may have harbored a grudge against her for rejecting him. Did he finally snap and decide to take matters into his own hands? He was always jealous of her relationship with Jiraiya, and maybe he saw an opportunity to get revenge. But then again, he died a long time ago, so it's unlikely that he's involved.The Sneaky Sibling – Orochimaru's BrotherOrochimaru's brother has always been a shadowy figure, lurking in the shadows. Perhaps he wanted to eliminate Tsunade as a way of getting revenge on his brother or proving his worth. He was always jealous of Orochimaru's success, and maybe he saw an opportunity to make a name for himself. But then again, he's never really been mentioned before, so it's unlikely that he's the culprit.The Unlikely Suspect – Shino AburameShino Aburame is known for his quiet demeanor and love of bugs, but could he have a darker side? Maybe he wanted to eliminate Tsunade as a way of proving his worth as a ninja. It's not like he's ever been in the spotlight, so maybe he saw this as his chance to shine. But then again, he's never shown any signs of being violent or aggressive, so it's unlikely that he's involved.The Ultimate Plot Twist – Tsunade Is Still Alive!What if Tsunade isn't dead after all? Maybe she faked her own death as a way of escaping the pressure and responsibilities of being Hokage. Or maybe she's been living a secret life as a ninja spy. The possibilities are endless! Maybe she'll come back when the time is right, revealing that she was behind it all along. It would certainly be a shocking turn of events.In conclusion, the disappearance of Tsunade is still a mystery, and there are many possible suspects. Whether it was Jiraiya, Naruto, Orochimaru, Madara, Kakashi, Dan, Orochimaru's Brother, or even Shino, we may never know for sure. But one thing is certain, the ninja world will never be the same without the Fifth Hokage.

The Mysterious Death of Tsunade

A Humorous Take on the Investigation

It was a dark and stormy night in Konoha when news of the death of Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage, spread like wildfire. The ninja community was in shock, and everyone was eager to know who killed her. As an investigative reporter, I decided to dig deep into the matter and find out the truth behind this mysterious death.

The Suspects

My investigation led me to several suspects who could have been responsible for Tsunade's death. Here's a list of them:

  1. Orochimaru: The former student of Hiruzen Sarutobi and one of the most dangerous ninjas in the world. He had a history with Tsunade and could have had a motive to kill her.
  2. Kabuto Yakushi: Orochimaru's right-hand man and disciple. He had betrayed his master once and could have done it again to gain more power.
  3. Danzo Shimura: A war hawk who believed in the use of force to protect the village. He had a tense relationship with Tsunade and could have wanted her out of the way to carry out his plans.
  4. Jiraiya: One of Tsunade's closest friends and allies. However, some speculated that he might have been jealous of her position as Hokage and could have killed her out of envy.

The Investigation

I interviewed several witnesses, including Naruto Uzumaki, who was one of the last people to see Tsunade alive. He claimed that he saw her arguing with someone in the shadows, but he couldn't identify the person. I also spoke to Shizune, Tsunade's assistant, who was devastated by her death. She told me that Tsunade had received several threats in the past, but she didn't take them seriously.

The Verdict

After a thorough investigation, I finally found out who killed Tsunade. It was none other than...

Drumroll please...

Akatsuki's Deidara!

Yes, you heard it right. The culprit was not even on the list of suspects. But how did I come to this conclusion, you ask? Well, I have my sources.

Apparently, Deidara had infiltrated Konoha disguised as a merchant and had planted explosive clay in Tsunade's office. He detonated it remotely, killing her instantly. Why did he do it? Well, he was hired by Orochimaru to eliminate Tsunade, who was hindering his plans for world domination.

The Aftermath

With the killer identified and brought to justice, the ninja community could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Tsunade's funeral was a solemn affair, and everyone paid their respects to the fallen Hokage. However, there were still questions left unanswered, like how did Deidara manage to infiltrate Konoha undetected? But that's a story for another day.


So, there you have it. The mystery of Tsunade's death has been solved, thanks to my investigative skills and sources. As for Deidara, he's now rotting in jail, waiting for his trial. Who knows what other secrets he might reveal about the ninja world? Only time will tell.


  • Tsunade
  • Konoha
  • Fifth Hokage
  • Orochimaru
  • Kabuto Yakushi
  • Danzo Shimura
  • Jiraiya
  • Naruto Uzumaki
  • Shizune
  • Akatsuki
  • Deidara

The End of the Tsunade Mystery

And there you have it, folks! We have finally come to the end of the Tsunade mystery. After all the speculations and guesses, we can now put the case to rest. So, who killed Tsunade?

Well, the answer is quite simple. Nobody did. Yes, you read that right. Tsunade is very much alive and well.

I know, I know. You must be thinking, What kind of clickbait is this? But hear me out. This article was not meant to mislead or deceive. It was simply a means to grab your attention and keep you reading. And trust me, you weren't disappointed.

Throughout the article, we explored various theories about who could have killed Tsunade. Some of them were plausible, while others were outright ridiculous. But the one thing they all had in common was that they were all wrong.

The fact is, Tsunade is a fictional character from the anime series Naruto. And while she may have faced numerous threats and dangers throughout the show, she never actually died.

So, why did we write an entire article about a fictional character's death? Well, for starters, it was a fun exercise in creative writing. And secondly, it allowed us to explore the various ways in which a character's death can affect a show's narrative and its audience.

We looked at how Tsunade's death could have impacted the other characters on the show, as well as how fans would have reacted to such a major plot twist. We even delved into the possible motives and suspects behind the supposed murder.

But in the end, it was all just speculation. And while it's fun to theorize and come up with our own versions of the story, we must always remember that the actual narrative is in the hands of the writers and creators.

So, what can we take away from all this? Well, for starters, we should never jump to conclusions or believe everything we read or hear. We should always question and seek out the truth, even if it means going against popular opinion.

We should also remember that storytelling is a powerful tool. It has the ability to transport us to different worlds and make us feel a range of emotions. And while fictional characters may not be real, their impact on our lives and imaginations certainly is.

In conclusion, while Tsunade may not have actually died, the mystery surrounding her supposed murder allowed us to explore the world of storytelling and its various intricacies. And who knows, maybe one day we'll get to see a truly epic death scene for this beloved character. But until then, we'll just have to keep on imagining.

Thanks for reading!

People Also Ask: Who Killed Tsunade?

Is Tsunade really dead?

Oh no, did someone let the cat out of the bag? Yes, unfortunately, Tsunade did meet her demise in the Naruto manga.

Who killed Tsunade and why?

Well, that's a loaded question. To answer the first part, Tsunade was killed by Madara Uchiha during the Fourth Great Ninja War. Why? Because he's a villain, that's why.

Did Tsunade die a hero?

Of course she did! She was one of the most badass female characters in the Naruto universe. She was a legendary Sannin, a skilled medical ninja, and the Fifth Hokage of the Hidden Leaf Village. She may have died, but she definitely went out like a hero.

Will Tsunade come back to life?

I mean, anything is possible in the world of anime and manga. But as far as we know, Tsunade is still dead. Sorry to break it to you.

What was Tsunade's ultimate fate?

Tsunade's ultimate fate was to become a legend in the Naruto universe. She was remembered as a powerful leader, a fierce fighter, and a compassionate healer. And even though she's no longer with us, her legacy lives on.

  • So, who killed Tsunade? Madara Uchiha.
  • Did Tsunade die a hero? Absolutely.
  • Will Tsunade come back to life? Probably not.
  1. Tsunade's ultimate fate was to become a legend in the Naruto universe.
  2. She was remembered as a powerful leader, a fierce fighter, and a compassionate healer.
  3. And even though she's no longer with us, her legacy lives on.

So there you have it, folks. Tsunade may be gone, but she'll never be forgotten. And who knows, maybe one day we'll see her again in a spin-off series or something. Fingers crossed!