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Discovering My Champion: Unveiling the Heroes I Mained and Mastered - A Journey of Self-Discovery

Who I Mained

Discover my favorite champions and characters as I share my journey playing various games and who I mained.

Let me introduce myself. I am a gamer, and for the longest time, I have been playing online games. I have played a plethora of games, but there is one game that has always been my favorite - League of Legends. Playing this game has been an integral part of my life, and I have spent countless hours mastering it. But, there is one question that everyone asks me, and that is - Who do you main?

Oh, the question that always gets asked. It's like asking a parent to pick their favorite child. But, if I had to choose, I would say that my main champion is Thresh. There is just something about his character that makes me want to play him over and over again. The way he moves, his abilities, and his overall personality just speak to me.

However, let me tell you, becoming a Thresh main was not easy. It took me months of practice to get his moves down, and even then, I make mistakes. But, that's the thing about League of Legends - it's all about practice.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Thresh is a support champion, and most people tend to shy away from playing support. But, let me tell you, playing support is not for the faint-hearted. It takes a lot of skill and strategy to support your team and ensure their victory.

One thing that I love about Thresh is his ability to hook and pull enemies towards him. It's like fishing, but instead of catching fish, you're catching your enemies off guard. And, let me tell you, there is nothing more satisfying than hooking an enemy and watching your team take them down.

But, Thresh's abilities don't stop there. He can also throw his lantern to shield his teammates and pull them towards him. It's like having a personal Uber service in the game.

Now, I know what you're thinking. Thresh may be a great champion, but there are other champions out there that are just as good, if not better. And, you're right, there are plenty of great champions in League of Legends. But, for me, Thresh will always be my go-to champion.

In conclusion, being a Thresh main takes practice, skill, and patience. But, it's worth it in the end. Playing as Thresh has brought me countless hours of joy, frustration, and laughter. And, isn't that what gaming is all about?


As an avid gamer, I've spent countless hours playing different games over the years. And like any other gamer out there, I have had my fair share of mains. A main, for those who are not familiar with the term, is a character or class that a player primarily uses in a game. It's the one they know the best and feel most comfortable with. Today, I'm going to talk about my favorite mains and how I came to choose them.

The FPS Main

Call of Duty

When it comes to first-person shooters, Call of Duty is my go-to game. And when it comes to choosing a main in Call of Duty, I always go for the assault rifle class. Why? Because I like to play the objective and help my team win, and assault rifles are great all-around weapons that can do just about anything. Plus, I'm not particularly skilled with snipers or shotguns, so assault rifles are my best bet.

The MOBA Main

League of Legends

League of Legends is one of the most popular MOBAs out there, and I've been playing it for years. My main in LoL is Thresh, a support champion with a hook ability that can pull enemies towards him. Thresh is a versatile champion that can be played aggressively or defensively, depending on the situation. Plus, his hook ability is just too much fun to use.

The Fighting Game Main

Street Fighter

When it comes to fighting games, Street Fighter has always been my favorite. And my main in Street Fighter is Ryu, the classic karate expert. Ryu is a well-rounded character with a good mix of offensive and defensive moves. Plus, his Hadoken fireball is iconic and just feels good to land.

The RPG Main

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

Skyrim is one of my all-time favorite RPGs, and my main in the game is a Khajiit named J'zargo. Why a Khajiit? Because they're just cool, okay? And why J'zargo specifically? Because he's a mage, and I love playing as a mage in RPGs. J'zargo is also a bit of a joke character in the game, which makes playing as him even more fun.

The Platformer Main

Mario Bros.

Mario is one of the most iconic video game characters of all time, and I've been playing Mario games since I was a kid. My main in the Mario Bros. games is always Mario himself. Why? Because he's the most well-rounded character in the game, with a good mix of speed, jumping ability, and power-ups. Plus, he's just too darn lovable.

The Puzzle Game Main


Tetris is a classic puzzle game that has stood the test of time. And my main in Tetris is... well, I guess it's just the standard Tetris block shapes themselves. I mean, there's not really any other option, right?

The Strategy Game Main


When it comes to strategy games, Starcraft is one of the best out there. And my main in Starcraft is the Zerg race. Why? Because they're creepy and weird and just plain cool. Plus, I like the challenge of playing as a swarm-based race that relies on numbers and speed rather than brute force.

The Sports Game Main


As someone who's not particularly into sports, I don't play a lot of sports games. But when I do, it's usually FIFA. And my main in FIFA is always Brazil. Why? Because they're one of the most successful soccer nations in history, and they just look cool in their yellow jerseys.

The Racing Game Main

Need for Speed

When it comes to racing games, Need for Speed is one of the best out there. And my main in Need for Speed is... well, I guess it's just whatever car looks the coolest. I'm not really into the whole tuning thing, so I just pick a car that looks fast and flashy and go with it.

The Conclusion

So there you have it, my favorite mains in some of my favorite games. Of course, these are just my personal preferences, and everyone has their own favorite mains. But whether you're playing an FPS, MOBA, fighting game, RPG, platformer, puzzle game, strategy game, sports game, or racing game, there's bound to be a main that suits your playstyle and personality. So go out there and find your main!

And the Main Character is... (Drumroll, please)

When it comes to gaming, I take things seriously. I'm not just playing for fun; I'm playing to win. And that's why I take my main character very seriously. After all, they're the one I'm entrusting with winning the game for me. So, who do I main? Well, it's someone who's not your typical choice. It's someone who's often overlooked and underestimated. But trust me when I say, this character is a game-changer.

Let's Get This Out of the Way: It's Not Mercy

Now, before you jump to conclusions, let me just say, it's not Mercy. Yes, she's a great healer and all, but she's just too mainstream for my taste. I like to go against the norm and pick characters that are a little more unconventional.

My Main is a Game-Changer (Literally)

So, who is my main? Drumroll, please… it's Sombra! Yes, the hacker extraordinaire who can literally change the game. Her ability to hack into enemy abilities and health packs is a game-changer. And her ultimate ability to make enemies unable to use their abilities for a few seconds can turn the tides of a game in an instant.

Why I Stopped Playing Tanks and Started Playing...

I used to be a tank player. I loved being the one who could take all the damage and protect my team. But then I discovered Sombra, and everything changed. Her ability to hack into enemy tanks and make them vulnerable was too good to pass up. Plus, her mobility allowed me to get in and out of situations quickly, making her a great player for flanking and taking out enemy supports.

The Ultimate Troll: My Main's Abilities

Sombra is the ultimate troll. Her ability to hack into enemy abilities can be frustrating for the other team, but it's a game-changer for us. Imagine being a Reinhardt charging towards your team, and suddenly you can't use your shield. Or being a Mercy trying to heal your team, and suddenly you can't use your abilities. It's a nightmare for the other team, but for us, it's pure joy.

From Noob to Pro: How My Main Helped Me Git Gud

When I first started playing Sombra, I was terrible. I didn't know how to properly use her abilities, and I would often die within seconds of entering a fight. But as I kept playing her, I started to understand her playstyle better. I learned when to use her abilities and when to back off. And soon enough, I went from being a noob Sombra to a pro Sombra.

The Art of Stealth: How My Main Helped Me Master Sneak Attack

Playing Sombra requires a certain level of stealth. You can't just run in guns blazing and expect to win. Instead, you have to learn how to sneak around the map, pick off enemies one by one, and then disappear before anyone can catch you. Playing Sombra has helped me master the art of stealth, and I now apply those skills to other characters as well.

The Power of Healing: My Main's Life-Giving Abilities

While Sombra is known for her hacking abilities, she also has a few tricks up her sleeve when it comes to healing. Her hacked health packs give her team a huge advantage, and her ability to translocate to safety and heal up quickly is a game-changer. Plus, her ultimate ability can also provide a great deal of healing for her team, making her a great choice for those who want a little bit of everything in their character.

Why I'm Not Your Typical DPS Player: My Main's Unique Powers

Sombra is not your typical DPS player. She's not just there to deal damage; she's there to disrupt the other team and make it easier for her own team to win. Her unique powers make her a force to be reckoned with, and playing her requires a certain level of strategy and planning. I love that about her, and it's one of the reasons why I continue to main her to this day.

R-E-S-P-E-C-T: Why My Main Deserves More Recognition in the Game

Despite all of her unique abilities and game-changing powers, Sombra still doesn't get the recognition she deserves in the game. She's often overlooked in favor of more mainstream characters like Mercy or Soldier 76. But I believe that Sombra is a character that deserves more respect. She's a game-changer, a troll, and a force to be reckoned with. And for those who take the time to master her, she can be the key to winning any game.

My Main: The Chicken


When I first started playing video games, I never thought I would become so invested in a character. But then I found my main: The Chicken.

Who is The Chicken?

The Chicken is a character in the game Castle Crashers. It's a simple game where you play as a knight saving princesses and fighting off enemies. But for some reason, I was drawn to The Chicken.

Why The Chicken?

It's hard to explain why I chose The Chicken as my main. Maybe it was the way it flapped its wings or the fact that it laid eggs as its special move. Whatever it was, I knew I had to play as The Chicken.


My love for The Chicken started out as a joke. My friends and I would play Castle Crashers together and I would always pick The Chicken just to mess around. But then something strange happened. I started winning.

As I played more and more as The Chicken, I realized that it was actually a pretty great character. Its attacks were surprisingly powerful and its special move could take out multiple enemies at once. Plus, it was hilarious to watch The Chicken lay an egg on an enemy's face.

Soon, my friends started to fear me when I picked The Chicken. They knew that I had honed my skills with this silly character and that I was a force to be reckoned with. I even started to get messages from other players online, asking me for tips on how to play as The Chicken.


Looking back, I can't believe that I spent so much time playing as The Chicken. But I wouldn't have it any other way. It's funny how a silly character in a video game can bring so much joy and laughter.


  • The Chicken
  • Castle Crashers
  • Video games
  • Main character
  • Humor

So, Who Did I Main?

Well well well, if you've made it this far into my blog post, then you must be dying to know who I mained. The anticipation is probably killing you, but don't worry, I won't keep you waiting any longer.

First things first, let me just say that choosing a main in any video game is no easy feat. It takes time, effort, and a whole lot of trial and error. I mean, how are you supposed to choose just one character to stick with when there are so many options out there?

But after many hours of gameplay, countless losses, and a few wins here and there, I finally found my main. And drumroll's none other than the one and only, Pikachu!

Yes, you read that right. I main Pikachu. You might be thinking wait, isn't Pikachu like, the most basic character ever? And sure, maybe that's true. But let me tell you, there's nothing more satisfying than electrocuting your opponent and watching them fly off the screen.

Now, I know what some of you might be thinking. But Pikachu is so overrated! Everyone mains Pikachu! And while that may be true, I like to think that I bring my own unique flair to the table when I play as this electric mouse.

One of the things I love most about Pikachu is his agility. He's quick, nimble, and can dodge attacks with ease. Plus, his recovery is top-notch, which has saved me from falling off the edge more times than I'd care to admit.

Another thing I appreciate about Pikachu is his versatility. Sure, he may not have the strongest attacks, but he makes up for it in other areas. His thunder jolt can keep opponents at bay, his quick attack can be used for both offense and defense, and his neutral air is a great combo starter.

But perhaps my favorite thing about Pikachu is his cuteness. I mean, have you seen those little cheeks? And don't even get me started on his victory animations. Watching him do a little dance after winning a match never fails to put a smile on my face.

Now, I know that some of you might be disappointed with my choice of main. Maybe you were hoping for someone cooler, like Cloud or Bayonetta. But to each their own, right?

At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who you main. What's important is that you have fun playing the game. And for me, playing as Pikachu brings me joy and satisfaction. So if you ever come across me in an online match, just know that you're in for a shock (literally).

And with that, I'll wrap up this blog post. Thanks for sticking around and reading all about my main. Now if you'll excuse me, I have some training to do. Gotta make sure my Pikachu is ready to take on anyone who dares to challenge me.

Who I Mained: Answering the Ridiculous Questions

Why do you main that character?

Well, I chose my main because they have the coolest outfit. Obviously, fashion is more important than actual gameplay mechanics.

What does your main say about you?

My main says that I have excellent taste and a great sense of style. It also says that I have a tendency to make irrational decisions based on superficial factors.

Do you think your main is overpowered?

Of course not. My main is perfectly balanced and any perceived advantages are simply a result of my incredible skill and talent.

What's your win-loss ratio with your main?

Uh, let me check my stats real quick... Oh, I see what you're doing here. Nice try, but I refuse to answer that question. It's not about winning or losing, it's about having fun.

Have you ever considered switching mains?

No way. Once you've found the perfect outfit, there's no going back. Plus, I've invested so much time and energy into learning all their moves and combos that it would be a shame to waste all that effort.

Do you think your main is better than my main?

Oh, absolutely. Your main is obviously inferior and you should feel bad for even suggesting otherwise. Just kidding! Everyone has their own preferences and playstyles, so it's impossible to say which character is objectively better.

What advice do you have for someone who wants to main your character?

  1. First and foremost, make sure you like their outfit. It's the most important factor.
  2. Take the time to learn all their moves and combos. Practice makes perfect.
  3. Don't be afraid to experiment with different playstyles and strategies. Mix things up to keep your opponents on their toes.
  4. And most importantly, have fun! Remember, it's just a game.