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Discovering the Ownership of Paycor: Key Facts and Information Revealed

Who Owns Paycor

Paycor is privately owned by its co-founders, Bob Coughlin and Stacey Browning, along with private equity firm Apax Partners.

Who owns Paycor? That's the million-dollar question that everyone seems to be asking these days. Well, let me tell you, it's not just one person or entity. In fact, Paycor has gone through quite a few changes in ownership over the years. But don't worry, I'm here to give you the lowdown on all of it.

First things first, let's start at the beginning. Paycor was founded back in 1990 by Bob Coughlin and Stu Rose. These two guys had a vision for creating a payroll software that would make life easier for small business owners. And they succeeded! Paycor quickly became a leader in the industry, offering not just payroll services, but also HR and timekeeping solutions.

But as we all know, nothing stays the same forever. In 2011, Paycor was acquired by private equity firm, Great Hill Partners. This move allowed Paycor to expand even further, offering more products and services than ever before. It also meant that Paycor had the financial backing it needed to continue to grow and innovate.

Now, you might be thinking, Okay, so Great Hill Partners owns Paycor. And you wouldn't be entirely wrong. But it's not that simple. You see, in 2019, Paycor received a massive investment from a group of investors led by private equity firm, Apax Partners. This investment valued Paycor at over $2 billion dollars!

So, to sum up, Paycor is currently owned by a group of investors led by Apax Partners. But that doesn't mean that Great Hill Partners is out of the picture completely. In fact, they still have a significant stake in the company.

Now, I know what you're thinking. This is all well and good, but why do I care who owns Paycor? Well, my friend, there are a few reasons why you should care.

First of all, knowing who owns Paycor can give you some insight into the company's future. If a company is owned by a private equity firm, for example, they might be more focused on short-term profits than long-term growth. On the other hand, if a company is owned by a group of investors who are in it for the long haul, they might be more willing to invest in new products and services that will benefit customers in the long run.

Secondly, knowing who owns Paycor can also give you some peace of mind. After all, if you're going to trust a company with your payroll and HR needs, you want to make sure that they're financially stable and have the resources they need to provide top-notch service. By knowing who owns Paycor, you can get a better sense of the company's financial situation and stability.

So, there you have it. Paycor is currently owned by a group of investors led by Apax Partners, but Great Hill Partners still has a significant stake in the company. Knowing who owns Paycor can give you some insight into the company's future and financial stability, so it's definitely worth keeping an eye on.

But let's be real, the most important thing about Paycor is that they provide awesome payroll and HR solutions to small business owners. And that's something we can all appreciate.


Ah, Paycor. The payroll and HR management software that has made our lives so much easier. But let's take a moment to ponder - who actually owns this magical company? Is it a faceless corporation? A mysterious billionaire? A group of sentient robots?

The Origins of Paycor

Paycor was founded in 1990 by Bob Coughlin, who had a vision to provide small and medium-sized businesses with affordable and comprehensive payroll and HR solutions. And boy, did he succeed. Today, Paycor is used by over 30,000 organizations across the US.

Is it a Publicly Traded Company?

Nope, sorry folks. Paycor is privately owned, which means we don't get the fun of checking its stock prices every five minutes on our phones. However, being a private company also means that Paycor can focus on its customers and employees without the pressure of pleasing shareholders.

Who are the Owners?

Now for the million-dollar question: who owns Paycor? The answer is...drumroll please...private equity firm Apax Partners. They acquired Paycor from another private equity firm, TA Associates, in 2018 for a cool $2.3 billion.

What is Private Equity?

Private equity firms are companies that invest in other companies with the goal of making a profit. They typically buy a majority stake in a company, then make changes to increase its value before selling it off for a higher price.

What Does Apax Partners Do?

Apax Partners is a global private equity firm that specializes in tech and consumer investments. They have over 45 years of experience and have invested in over 500 companies. In addition to Paycor, they currently own several other companies in the software and technology space.

What Does This Mean for Paycor?

Being owned by a private equity firm can have its pros and cons. On the one hand, Apax Partners has the resources and expertise to help Paycor grow and expand. On the other hand, they may also prioritize profit over everything else, which could lead to changes that don't benefit Paycor's customers or employees.

What Has Changed Since the Acquisition?

So far, not much has changed at Paycor since the acquisition. The company is still based in Cincinnati, Ohio, and continues to operate as it always has. However, we'll have to wait and see if there are any major changes on the horizon.

Final Thoughts

At the end of the day, who owns Paycor may not matter all that much to its customers. What matters most is that Paycor continues to provide reliable and efficient payroll and HR solutions that make our lives easier. And if Apax Partners can help them do that, then all the better.

Who Owns Paycor?

Are you curious about who owns Paycor? Well, let me introduce you to the Big Boss Man himself, the Chief Money Maker, the Master of the Payroll Universe, the Head Honcho of HRO, the Captain of Compensation, the Sultan of HR Software, the Emperor of Employee Benefits, the Monarch of Managed Services, the Czar of Cloud-based HR, and the King of Keeping Track of Your Employees' PTO Requests. Yes, that's right; all those titles belong to Bob Coughlin, the founder and CEO of Paycor.

The Rise of Bob Coughlin

Bob Coughlin started his journey as a software engineer in the early '90s. He soon realized that the world of HR was lacking in technology and decided to fill that gap. In 1990, he founded Paycor with the aim of providing HR solutions to small and medium-sized businesses. Over the years, Paycor has grown exponentially, thanks to Bob's vision and leadership.

The Secret behind Paycor's Success

So, what's the secret behind Paycor's success? Well, it's simple. Paycor is not just a company; it's a culture. Bob Coughlin believes in creating a positive work environment where employees feel valued and appreciated. He understands that happy employees lead to happy customers, which ultimately leads to business success. That's why Paycor has been consistently ranked as one of the best places to work in Cincinnati.

Bob Coughlin's Leadership Style

Bob Coughlin's leadership style is unique. He doesn't believe in micromanaging his employees. Instead, he gives them the freedom to innovate and come up with new ideas. He encourages his team to take risks and learn from their mistakes. He believes that failure is an essential part of success and that it's okay to fail as long as you learn from your failures.

The Future of Paycor

So, what does the future hold for Paycor? Well, with Bob Coughlin at the helm, the sky's the limit. Paycor has already established itself as a leader in the HR industry, and there's no reason why it can't continue to grow and expand. With its innovative technologies and excellent customer service, Paycor is poised to become the go-to HR solution for businesses of all sizes.

The Bottom Line

In conclusion, Bob Coughlin is the man behind Paycor's success. His vision, leadership, and unique management style have made Paycor one of the best places to work and one of the most successful HR solutions providers in the industry. So, if you're looking for a reliable HR partner, look no further than Paycor, the company owned by the King of Keeping Track of Your Employees' PTO Requests!

The Hilarious Tale of Who Owns Paycor

The Beginning

Once upon a time, there was a company called Paycor. It was a small payroll processing business that had just started out. The owners were two best friends, Bob and Tim, who had a dream to make their company big and successful. They worked hard, day and night, to provide the best payroll solutions to their clients.

The Growth

Paycor's reputation grew, and so did its client base. Soon, it became one of the most sought-after payroll processing companies in the industry. Bob and Tim were over the moon! They couldn't believe that their little startup had turned into such a big success.

The Twist

One day, Bob and Tim received an offer they couldn't refuse. A large corporation, let's call it Big Corp, wanted to buy Paycor. It was an opportunity of a lifetime! Bob and Tim discussed the offer and decided to sell their company.

The New Owners

Now, who owns Paycor? The answer is Big Corp. But who are they? Nobody knows! They are like the Wizard of Oz, hiding behind a curtain. Some say they are a group of eccentric billionaires who sit on golden thrones. Others say they are aliens from outer space who have come to take over the world. But the truth is, nobody really knows who the new owners are.

The Aftermath

After the acquisition, Paycor continued to grow and thrive. The new owners brought in innovative ideas and technology that took the company to new heights. Bob and Tim were happy with the decision they had made. They could finally sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor.

The Moral of the Story

The moral of the story is that sometimes, selling your company can be a good thing. You may not know who the new owners are, but if they have the right vision and resources, they can take your company to the next level. And who knows, you might end up sitting on a golden throne too!

Table - Keywords

Keyword Description
Paycor A payroll processing company
Bob and Tim The original owners of Paycor
Big Corp The mystery corporation that bought Paycor
Acquisition The process of one company buying another
Innovative ideas New and creative ways of doing things
Golden throne A metaphor for extreme wealth and luxury

Closing Message: Who Really Owns Paycor?

Well, folks, we've come to the end of our journey to uncover who truly owns Paycor. We've gone through the history of the company, its founders, and the different investors that have come in and out of the picture. But alas, we've reached a dead end.

Yes, you read that right. We don't know who owns Paycor. Shocking, right? After all this research, we're left scratching our heads, wondering who the mysterious owner could be.

But fear not, dear blog visitors. Just because we weren't able to uncover the identity of the owner doesn't mean there isn't one. It's possible that the owner prefers to remain anonymous, or maybe it's a group of individuals who collectively own the company.

Who knows? Maybe the real owner is actually a unicorn who decided to invest in the HR software industry. Hey, anything is possible, right?

While we may never know who owns Paycor, what we do know is that it's a successful company that has been providing HR solutions to businesses for over 30 years. And whether it's owned by a person, a group of people, or a mystical creature, it's clear that they know what they're doing.

So, as we wrap up this investigation, we want to thank you for joining us on this wild ride. We hope you learned a thing or two about Paycor's history and the different players involved in its growth.

And who knows, maybe one day we'll finally crack the case and uncover the true identity of Paycor's owner. But until then, let's just enjoy the benefits of their HR software and leave the detective work to the professionals.

Until next time, folks! Keep on sleuthing.

Who Owns Paycor?

People Also Ask:

1. Is Paycor owned by a big corporation?

No, Paycor is not owned by a big corporation. It is actually privately held by its founder and CEO, Bob Coughlin.

2. Who is Bob Coughlin?

Bob Coughlin is the founder and CEO of Paycor. He started the company in 1990 with just $15,000 and a dream of providing small and medium-sized businesses with better HR and payroll solutions.

3. Does Paycor have any investors?

Yes, Paycor does have investors. In 2018, the company received a $270 million investment from private equity firm, Apax Partners.

4. Why does it matter who owns Paycor?

Well, it might not matter to everyone, but some people like to know who is behind the companies they do business with. Plus, knowing who owns a company can give you an idea of their values and priorities.

The Humorous Answer:

Who owns Paycor, you ask? Well, it's not like a group of evil geniuses or a secret society of billionaires are pulling the strings (or are they?). No, Paycor is actually owned by a pretty cool guy named Bob Coughlin. He's the CEO and founder of the company, and he's been helping businesses with their HR and payroll needs since 1990.

But wait, there's more! Paycor also has investors, including a private equity firm called Apax Partners. So, if you're a fan of private equity firms, you'll be happy to know they have a stake in Paycor.

So, why does it matter who owns Paycor? Well, if you're the type of person who likes to know who's behind the curtain, it might matter to you. And if you're not that type of person, well, you can just go back to binge-watching your favorite show on Netflix. Either way, now you know who owns Paycor!